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Why do silly social conservative wants to make America into a theocracy like the Talibans or Iran? - Printable Version

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- sexierthanU - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Ah! You have missed the central reality!

They want a military/religious dictatorship, wherein order and tranquility and SECURITY are guaranteed by a reactionary, Nazi-style (yes, folks, the Nazis and Fascist WERE and ARE right wing reactionaries, sorry, that's just a fact!) government, and total orthodoxy is enforced in the most vicious manner possible. Well, except for the
"chosen" or "special" ones. They do what they want, when they want, without consequence, and if you interfere, you will be destroyed.

SECURITY is always in capital letters. They "save" everyone from the loose-living, free thinking, besmirching troublemakers of the left, who talk about labor being of value, unions being a tool for fairness, and maybe the ultra-rich shouldn't run EVERYTHING. Oh, no! They have to DIE. Hitler rounded up liberals and socialists and free thinkers LONG before he got around to the Jews.

God gives them their orders. Yes, sir! That's why they are always correct. Why, just ask about WMD's and Saddam and El Quaeda, they'll tell you! Or their gutless appeasement and isolationism as World War II approached! Why, sure! They protected everyone, because GOD told them to.

How can you question that? Is not THEIR God infallible?

Just because their God only ever speaks to ultra-rich white people who aren't very bright doesn't mean this is fiction! No, no, no, no! Such thoughts are terminal in cloud-and-cuckoo land.

This is the party of Larry Craig. Why, fine, upstanding, loyal men like Limbaugh and Sanford and Gingrich NEVER use drugs or do hinky things, especially not those which might cost God-fearing taxpayers MONEY!

So you see, we need to be a military theocracy. We need to goose step more. We need everyone to wear a uniform, and those who don't should go to special church camps. Yes, sir! That's what we need.

And we don't need no stinking spelling or logic lessons or any of those damned "facts", either! That's all godless liberal stuff!

- mckenziecalhoun - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Exaggeration is the keystone to political bigotry. Exaggerate it enough, and, at least in your head, it looks like you've made some sort of point about the issue.

It's a lie, like all democrats are socialist (I am a democrat, not a socialist, and I don't like socialism in any form). It's nonsense, and the behavior is contemptible, like all political bigotry.

The act of SOME religious people of any walk of life, whether Christian, Islamic, or Darwinist ("God does not exist" vs. Atheists who simply don't believe, anything, so have no agenda to push) to force their religious beliefs into a state religion (I don't mean like "God We Trust", which is part of our heritage) should have opposition, and always will.

But let's be accurate, if only so that people won't laugh at our argument...

...rather than take notice of a trend.