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What is the difference between an Republican and a Democrat? - Printable Version

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- Jason - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

rep:fake americans
dem:true americans

- joneill1186 - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

republicans say they dont want to spend money and talk about tax cuts, but then steal your money.

democrats talk about stealing your money and giving it to others. then they steal your money and the people they said they were gonna give to it. thats all you need to know. Everything else doesnt matter in the scheme of things

- cbmttek - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Republicans are generally in favor of:
Less regulation of businesses in the US.
Lower taxes
Earning what you get, instead of getting handouts.
Punishment fitting the crime (death penelty)
Strong military and strong US presence around the globe

Republicans are generally against:
Increase in social programs and handouts
Talking with terrorists, and countries that are openly hostile to the US or our allies.

Democrats are generally for:
Government regulating as much of industry as possible.
Increasing social programs
Government providing services like energy and healthcare
Increased government spending
Increased taxes on the "rich" whomever they may be
A woman's right to choose an abortion
Environment outweighs economy
Diplomacy with everyone in the world

Democrats are generally against:
Death penalty
Free markets
Military power

The general thing to look at in the differences here is:
A liberal will try to make the world the way it "should be" whereas a conservative will live in the world the way it is.

- You Amuse Me - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Very little.

Democrats lie, cheat, and steal for a little while, then Republicans lie, cheat, and steal for a little while.


- largeanimal350 - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Republicans believe in privatization and values. By privatization, I mean they want to have little government interferance, or government at all. They want all kinds of deregulation, and aim to disable the federal government, in a way. Values. No abortion. Harsh punishment for criminals. Strong national security.

Democrats believe in the complete opposite. They believe a stronger government is needed to govern the US. They believe in regulation, many government laws and a weaker criminal punishment system. Democrats tend to favor peace over war, pro-choice over pro-life and various other things.

Democrats are generally more popular with minorities, and Republicans more with majorities.

Choose wisely!

- Dibs34 - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

I'll try to make it as simple as possible...

Republicans: Want whats best for America and don't care if it means war or disrupting peace. They have strong views about keeping America safe and not swamped with immigrants.

Democrats: generally want what helps the world and environment they want world peace and oppose war and enjoy diversity.

- Steve M - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

A Republican will sell you the shirt off his back. A Democrat will give you the shirt off someone else's back.

- Chance01 - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Depends highly on who you ask.. Everyone has an opinion..

Re pubs = Big government and High taxes..They ONLY help the RICH!
Very fake and they don't know how to tell the truth.. Very misleading .

Dems believe in Smaller government but with more government involved to help others Less fortunate .. They help the disable and handicapped children . and they try to focus more on Family Values.... If Dems are in Office we will not have wars that are searching for massive weapons that were not there to begin with.. If we must face a war it will be for a GOOD cause .. We dint believe in torture!! I could go on and on but i have things to do..

- shirley n - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Republicans believe they can provide for themselves better than the government can provide for them.

Democrats believe the government can take care of them better than they can take care of themselves.