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How Do You Deport Millions of Illegals? - Printable Version

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- Nobodyknows - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

First off to morally and ethically solve this problem, your going to have to deport the Criminal Illegals and THEN secure the borders. Second, fix the system right now, (too expensive and time consuming). Pass a comprehensive Amnesty law, with strings attached of course. Your last sentence is very idiotic, the same thing happens down south. So eliminate that if you want to be taken seriously. The prison system is heavily uncorrect, so if you want things to change go lobby some congressman or something. Mexico is our neighbor, so if you think that by putting a fence will stop them from coming then you need a serious reality check. Jesus vs Lou Dobbs......Who do you think would win? That's what I thought.

- G.V. - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

You don't have to deport them so much as you have to 1) make it undesirable to live in the US by not giving them any kind of benefits like health care, education, etc. 2) fine the hell out of employers that hire them 3) drop that horrible anchor baby law 4) get tougher on the border.

There is no way I believe that illegals do jobs Americans won't.

- beefpuker - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

It is easier than you think.

Every time an illegal alien is stopped for drunk driving Deport them.

Every time an illegal alien is stopped for driving without license and insurance Deport them.

Every time an illegal alien is arrested for beating their wife Deport them.

Every time an illegal alien is arrested for robery Deport them.

Every time an illegal alien is arrested for any crime Deport them.

- Excessivewing930 - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

Suprisingly enough, this is not the first time that the U.S. of A has had a problem with illegals. One other time was during the Great Depression, and President Eisenhower hatched a plan called "Operation Wet-back", designed to deport as many illegal immigrants back to where they came. Guess what? It worked. Not only did we find illegals, but by the time they had figured out how it was happening, THEY ACTUALLY FLED BACK!
So, how did it work? 1075 Border Patrol agents went from border town to border town, doing random ID checks and some serious crackdown. That's it. In the first year alone, they deported around 130000 immigrants in about a year, but they think that around 1 to 1.2 additional million fled to Mexico before they were caught. The Immigration and Naturalization Service also estimates that for every one they deported, nine more left willingly!
The only reason why we're not doing in now is because of words like "humane" and "ethnicity". People feel bad about the immigrants.
So to answer your question, you deport millions of illegals by finding some, and letting the rest run back like jackrabbits!

My sincerest apologies to anyone who might be offended.

- Elizzabeth - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

This is how::
enforce the laws
build the wall
boycott companies that hire illegals
deport the ones found
STOP all medical assistance
STOP all gov. assistance

- Wj - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

You don't.
You make them self-deport.

Cut off all taxpayer funded aid.

Welfare, Education, Legal Advice.

Cut off job market and housing.

Make employing or renting to illegals a federal crime with penalties requiring incarceration and enforce it against the employers and landlords.

Stricter penalties for repeat illegals.

Once an illegal is proven to have crossed the border twice, they get an automatic 10 years in prison before getting deported again.

Cut off ALL Federal Aid to Sanctuary Cities.

Make it a federal requirement for everyone to prove legal status with all police contact.

Any illegal who convicted of a crime in addition to breaking immigration laws automatically receives 10 years in prison, even for misdemeanors.

Any illegal who is proven to cause the death of an American Citizen is automatically executed within 30 days of conviction.

Follow these steps and the ones committing additional crimes will be taken out of the population which helps both Mexico and the U.S.

The ones who are just regular criminals by their illegal immigration will no longer have any reason to come here.

These steps are reasonable and fair to both illegal criminals who ignore our laws, Citizen criminals who aid the illegals by helping them live and work here, and to the average American citizen who is being shoved to the side and ignored by the very Government which is supposed to be protecting them.

- DudesonSuomi22 - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

How bout when all the wetbacks go to there "Rallies" and Protest fo "illegal rights" we can get the national guard to surrond them and round them all up..

- StoneCold - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

Illegals seem to be self deporting or moving to other more lenient states. Now the rest of the states need to get on board with the same tough laws that AZ, OK, PA, and TX cities have been doing to curb illegal immigration since the government likes to sit on their backsides and do nothing.

Illegal immigrants "self deport" as woes mount

Many Illegal Immigrants Are “Self-Deporting”

Arrest Employers!

Self-Deportation A Reality

We had the same problem back in the 1950's with illegals crossing the border, it didn't take Ike long in getting the illegals self deporting back across the border.

All we need is a President with a pair of Jewels to get the job done again, enforcing the laws then made it work and it will still work today.

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico

- squareaunt872 - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

There is no way

- alex a - 11-19-2012 02:14 AM

â–ºYou wait! until we vote-in Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton who will approve a Comprehensive Immigration reform, then they will be part of this Country and you won't have to deal with illegals anymore. Best, you won't have to suffer a heart attack or get your blood pressure high worried about illegals. With the Latino vote we will start making a difference in this Country!â—„