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why do liberals think they can over ride market forces? - Printable Version

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- tribeca_belle - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

You mean the same market forces that have presented us with recessions, depressions, panics and all sorts of severe economic downturns throughout the history of capitalism?

Liberals believe that providing safety nets for the population that is adversely affected is absolutely necessary in a modern, developed society. Liberals also believe that appropriate regulations can help prevent the abuses within the system that lead to disastrous economic results. Liberals also believe that focusing on improving the economic well being of all Americans will help prevent us from turning into a third-word type country with a very few, very wealthy individuals and a lot of very poor ones. As the middle class declines and the wealth moves upwards, we seem to be trending in that direction, especially over the last decade.

I think you have to bring your economic and social thinking up-to-date and not ignore the very dramatic lessons of history. Your understanding of economics is simplistic.

There is no mystical, magical market force that will make everything stay just fine and there never was.

- 45 auto - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

Marxism, liberalism, Communism,All follow the same course seek and destroy.