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Poll: Facebook MySpace twitter YouTube mylife or just turn it the F off and go outside? - Printable Version

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- Eric - 11-19-2012 02:22 AM

Why, you whipper snappers! In my day, we'd just play outside, catch and throw a ball with dad, or just read a little book. But you kids and your Spacebook and Myface, why, we didn't have that stuff!

- $@&! - 11-19-2012 02:22 AM

MySpace, there's hardly anything "me".
Twitter, for those who can find or build a great story even out of somebody's fart.
YouTube, more of "Hi", "do what's required", "Bye" type.

Facebook, are you serious? Oh man I'd rather face my books than "Facebook", but still one thing to be agreed it's better than the rest, gives me time to rediscover myself.

Coming to the part go outside, obviously, without getting to know the outside world what would my "Status" updates be Tongue [Kiddin']

Finally, If bored with all these try out "Netlog".