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Why is the US such a violent place? - Printable Version

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- mrs_r_wilkins - 11-19-2012 02:57 AM

because in North America, the punishments, or sentences are not hard enough for people to care if they get caught. Some people are bad on purpose because they WANT to be in jail. Reall though, it is not that bad. You just do not hear what other countries are like because you do not live in them. In many countries, the religions are constantly at battle, even to killing Christians, and killing other proclaimed Muslims because they do not believe the same as your own sect. Then there is the issues with having one child per family in China, where all sorts of shameful acts take place...then there are other issues in other countries, like forced religion. There are places where the "police" are the ones raping the women...some places are okay with having more than one wife, and if you dont beat her and the kids, you are thought to be strange. It is because of family value that fights last for years and years in other countries. The people would own guns if they could afford to...but often have a hard time paying rent and getting food enough for the day. The classes in society are so intense that people do not even speak to each other from different ones. Some places take all rghtd of women away.

i would say the reason why us is violent is because the law is too relaxed, we have more time, more money, and freedom. with freedoms, people use it and abuse it, always. where ever you go, there will always be lack of fairness. Life is not fair. you could blame this on education, that teaches to be fair, then you get to the real world where it is not fair and people are hurt because they were lied to and that was not fair.

- Jericho S - 11-19-2012 02:57 AM

I think people who think like you have a higher chance at adding to the violence in the United States than Guns (which we are not allowed to have despite what our constitution says), ethnic make-up, lack of socialism (which we have too much of), holy rolling Christianity, abundant Capitalism, Ethnicity, Divorce, Single Parents and Pornography.

- Kc - 11-19-2012 02:57 AM

When you live in a "free society" the liberties given to those that live in such a society also give way to lawlessness and violence simply because we are "Free" to live this way. Our constitution was created to give "All men" equal opportunity to pursue Life, Happiness and Liberty. However, in the pursuit of those things which makes people rich and powerful, violence and lawlessness are usually the tools of the trade for which our nation was built upon and continues to expand upon ie: The slave trade and today The Drug/Gun Trade. Today is no different than 100 years ago. Now we have economic slavery. The US has and always will be a violent place, where great minds are free to exploit, murder and rape the average class citizen of everything he.she has.