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Does free market capitalism absolutely require an exploited class of people to suceed? - Printable Version

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- Toughthread885 - 11-19-2012 03:08 AM

In a real free market nobody is being exploited. It amazes me that so many people bought the leftist lie that being employed equals exploitation.

- TIGER LADY! - 11-19-2012 03:08 AM

No, because everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Being a loser is a liberal state of mind, not a 'class'.

- Gone Rogue - 11-19-2012 03:08 AM

No, Everyone has the opportunity to achieve. There is no exploited class as it is your choice in life because education and drive is the key to your future.
Even the poorest of the poor can achieve and their children too can achieve on their parents successes or on their own.

Socialism is like feudalism.
Only those that serve the elite can achieve. There is no room for a middle class leaving everyone else equally poor.

- Law Man - 11-19-2012 03:08 AM

I don't think it does. Of course it all depends on what you consider exploitation. I believe that if a Social Contract is fair, we all have a duty to pay our taxes. So, exploitation is negated under a fair Social Contract where all Americans benefit from it. It's like contributing to a big pot and everybody gets pizza at the end of the day -- when you wouldn't be able to afford one slice on your own. So, we improve our lives by organizing around a society with a fair Social Contract.

The problem is that the Rich have used their money to control our government and to set up a propaganda machine (the Right-Wing Media) to get people to vote in their interests using cultural issues as a wedge (which is part of the divide and conquer strategy). They are profiting from us and making laws that serve them.

So, the solution is not to ditch Capitalism. The solution are a set of reforms designed to keep the Rich from both controlling Government and neutering it so they don't have to pay taxes: this gives the Poor, Working Class, and Middle Class little benefit from our social organization. The Rich get most of the benefit. So, we need lobbying reform, campaign finance reform -- which will do a lot to keep the Rich from controlling our government. But, in addition to government reform, we need business reform too. Government stripped of ownership and control by the Rich would then take more responsbility to ensure that Businesses are operating ethically both from an internal and external standpoint. That is reformed Capitalism.

- proud vet - 11-19-2012 03:08 AM

wow are you dumb, what do you think created the world most prominate middle class. The class that houses feeds and educates the poor. Only in America do the poor wear 100 sneakers, have flat screen TV's, and get free college.

- BigBill - 11-19-2012 03:08 AM


Robots can be exploited instead.