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Did the Republicans lose the election because they? - Printable Version

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- trickle up poverty - 11-22-2012 11:30 AM

most americans are idiots.......

- Di - 11-22-2012 11:30 AM

Not necessarily as it could be a combination of several things. Jon Huntsman was my choice for the candidacy and it may be that Romney - who ran unsuccessfuly in 2008 was given another shot - just as McCain became the candidate in 2008.

Sentimentality is no reason to vote for a candidate and it has backfired for Republicans twice. Smart voters shouldn't look to being "inspired" as politicians are not gods, but rather they should look at the character and integrity of the man and what he stands for.

Republicans may have lost the election but more importantly, so did Americans who will have to live with the consequences.

- bigboob - 11-22-2012 11:30 AM

rep. have more workers than the Dem's. it was the non workers that put obama back in

- Yankees Fan ☠ - 11-22-2012 11:30 AM

They lost because Obama is black. It's tough to win when you're an old, rich white man going against a black or hispanic these days. Republicans have to be able to connect to those groups.

- Maximus - 11-22-2012 11:30 AM

The more you dissect the Republican campaign the more you realize how unbelievably inept they were, they put all their hopes on a massive white turn out, and instead of reaching out to Latinos and Black people, they just simply hoped that they would not bother voting!!!

The GOP managed to build up some momentum in these last four years, but that momentum was one of intolerance, discrimination, and a general contempt for anyone who didn't fit their ideal citizen i.e. white, god fearing heterosexual corporate loving American!!!

Putting the two campaigns side by side you see the great misconception of what a Republican and Democrat is supposed to be, on one hand you have the ignorance of an half a$$ed job, sloppy workmanship, inept planning, and totally blinkered thinking, on the other hand you have a smart well run campaign, sophisticated data gathering systems, focusing not just on one but every demographic there is in this country, and working hard to make sure every possible vote was placed!!!

In terms of the candidate, what real choice did they have? where was the visionary? all I saw were a bunch of right wing nut jobs who scared the living crap out most people, John Huntsman and Mitt Romney were the only acceptable faces I could see on that stage, the rest had they been nominated would have literally been destroyed by Obama and even worse by the electorate!!!!

But even after all this, the proverbial penny still hasn't dropped with many of them, the moronic twittering from the likes of Trump, O'Reilly, Hannity, and the look of shock and disbelief followed by more insults to the American people, the idiotic bull sh1t about how everyone just wants free stuff and that's why Obama won etc..etc!

Defeat it would seem has only hardened their resolve, their resolve to become even more out of touch with the American people!!!