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Dems the so-called "tolerant" party but attacked Stacey Dash for voting Republican? - Printable Version

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- loudwheel451 - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

Black people tend to vote faithfully Democrat in a large bloc, so you have black people who feel as though it's almost traitorous to vote Republican (or third party even) and Democrats who feel that black people belong to the party. The result is that any black person who decides to go another way gets bullied and pressured to fall in line or, worse yet, condescendingly lectured to by white Democrats about how they really know what black people want.

- Jon G - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

You can't generalize all dems on the act of a few. I don't group all republicans due to the fact that the mass shootings In Arizona and Norway were republicans.

- oohhbother - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

This election caused a LOT of hard feelings and hostility all over the country. My own sisters are not speaking.
Get over it already!

- meatplosion - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

The loud-mouthed douchebags on both sides draw attention to the rest. Be mad at the pricks saying those things, not the rest that respect differing views

- Pure Atheist - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

Is she in the hospital recovering from wounds received in the attack?

Or was this a sticks or stones will break my bones but names can never hurt me situation?

If I can deal with being called an "America hating socialist" for voting for Obama, as well as a slew of curse words attached, I am sure Stacey can get through without having a mental breakdown...and if her skin is that thin, she should keep her opinion to herself.