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Should I reach out to her or just let her suffer? - Printable Version

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- Arka - 10-03-2012 10:25 AM

Why the hell did you even apologise for?(unless you had a big fight)... Look this girl is of no good..... You'll reach out for her??? Are you out of your mind... The moment you reach out for her you'll rekindle past feeling with her again.. And you'll suffer the same round like the one you did before. This is one of those confused girls who keeps changing boyfriends like new fashion. Look its normal to have a soft spot towards her.. But then again you just cannot go and reach out for her! I recommend you break all ties with her.. You'd feel a lot better trust me..... Goodluck

- Laura Renee - 10-03-2012 10:25 AM

Well, I think you should only reach out to her if you have no motive other than mere friendship. She has made it clear that she doesn't want to be with you, whatever her reasons are. No expectations and you won't get hurt, eh? And... she may get close to you if you choose to reach out to her. I think you should also wait to reciprocate. She's just lonely and to reciprocate may backfire on you. If she does try to get closer, I think you should wait until she is in a better frame of mind and you both feel comfortable about pursuing something more than friendship. Honestly, that prolly won't happen. Just remember you're only reaching out as a friend if you choose to do so, and don't cross that line no matter what until you both are comfortable doing so-- down the road a bit...

- Chris - 10-03-2012 10:25 AM

Just ignore her and move on. Sounds like she is just craving attention and the longer you and other keep reaching out to her, the more she will do it. The fact that she jumped into bed with another guy right after your break up and ignores you would suggest she would not offer you the same courtesy- you sound way better than her and if I were you I would just forget her. She ignores you too- says it all! Also, keeping in touch with ex's doesn't normally work out well, you even say you two have argued since!

Dont try reach out to her again.

- May yellowflower - 10-03-2012 10:25 AM

Hmm, if she makes you sad more than- don't even bother with her. Seems like you tried multiple times to mean something to her, whether it just be someone that she used to date, and she's not seeing it. Seeing the fact that she means a lot to you. To be honest, i think you should just move on. She'll be fine. I'm sure she has friends. It sounds like your just her "fall-back" person. Anywoo, take my advice or not, i'm just a person on a website. Haha. Smile

- Texas Wildman - 10-03-2012 10:25 AM

sorry to say but this girl has more problems than you can handle. your either in or not. i mean if she told you that it is over then it's over. it seems like the other guy's just used her in some way or another. don't you think she suffered already? she may have emotional problems and needs some medical help. pray for her. good luck. i am not the kind to make a girl suffer. good luck.