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Can the Obamabots now admit that "Cash for Clunkers" was a failure? - Printable Version

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- richard c - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Wait until this drastic dip continues into next is setting up for another bail-out.....once on the public dole, it is nearly impossible to walk around with an empty "free" money bag.

- Michael H - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Can they? Maybe the 10% of the Mary Obaminites that aren't t totally brain dead, can admit it within their home. Will they admit it public? NEVER!

- Thedude27 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

>Actually it was a success . It really helped the car dealership in the town where I live .

did you even read the article. Sure they are around RIGHT now, but basically its like they took a years worth of payday advances and will not have any money coming in for a while.

- Jx2-54 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

All it proves is that the party of NO is still at it and all the cynics are coming out of the wood works. We elect leaders to try and solve problems not to stand by and do nothing. If you want to stand pat get out of the game and play cards.

- James P - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

everyone already know that the next couple of months would be down for dealerships. but hundreds of thousands of the worst poluting vehicles are now off the streets
hundreds of gm, chrysler and ford employees have been temporarily reinstated to jobs now that they need to produce and replace the vehicles sold
the vehicles are not destroyed, the engine is. the rest of the car is parted out (if you ever needed to buy a part for a car for cheap you would know how great of a deal this is)

you seem to only point out the facts you wish to use to debunk a story rather than tell the whole truth

- joshbl74 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Can they admit it, YES, Will they admit it, NO.

The program will be propped up using anecdotal stories of individual consumers who got a good deal on a car on individual dealers who sold lots of cars that month. They will not follow up with the total lack of sales in subsequent months or with the general tax burden on everyone else.

Ask yourself this, How much did I pay for this program? I think it cost me personally about $30. What did it cost you?
We take in about 3 Trillion in taxes so this program cost about 0.1% of the budget. So if I pay 30,000 in taxes each year then it cost me about $30.

- dreamchaser8860 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Oh, gee...funny how the Right wasn't complaining about the "Dollars for Dickheads" program that pulled the Wall Street banks' @$$e$ out of the fire. Compared to "Cash For Clunkers", how many BILLIONS did those financial firms get again? And nobody still seems to have a clue as to where the money went (thank you SO much, Mr. Bernanke)...