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Why is Donald Trump such a sack of sour grapes? - Printable Version

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- justme - 11-27-2012 06:52 AM

Its cos he eats sour grapes for breakfast

- Lane - 11-27-2012 06:52 AM

He is pathetic. His whole self worth seems to be based upon how far he can thrust himself in to the public eye. This is a guy how made some shrewd real estate deals early on and then failed at every thing else he ever attempted until he managed to achieve a success equal to nookie or the octomom by heading a reality freak show.

He deserves your pity, not your scorn.

Um, Jack. I was an undergrad at Harvard when Obama was in law school and they sent me my transcripts just 2 years ago when I entered a PhD program. It took five minutes to arrange.

- Weasel McWeasel - 11-27-2012 06:52 AM

Happens to all........age and senility take over.......some faster than others........and you become a laughable ranting old coot, who's so put of touch,, you no longer have any idea just HOW out of touch you really are.

Donald has apparently jumped that shark.

His Birther crap signaled that his once admireable mind, had gone.

- Janie - 11-27-2012 06:52 AM

I didn't hear from him complaining in 2000 an 2004 when all the fraud took place in 1st Florida and then Ohio where I was a voting rights activist and we activists were all realizing when we heard and saw all the fraud take place that our democracy was dead. We teared up when someone sang a song they wrote about our votes not counting anymore as we never realized before elections could b so easily hacked.

Where was he then --he is hardly American if he only cares about 1/2 the country and when he thinks his side is stolen unlike how I would react. I realized whatever side steals an election steals it from all Americans even if your side wins.

I know in Ohio this time illegal software patches were on 80% of the counties in Ohio and an emergency lawsuit filed yesterday was turned down by republican judge today so the patches remained on most of the voting machines in Ohio and were easily hackable experts agreed,

What I learned being on ground floor in 2004 Ohio convinced me 99.9% that our vote does not count and presidents are (s)elected.

In 2008 when Obama won I think everyone thought the voting machines were working again and the big turnout and margin between them made it too hard to rig.

But I always felt it was rigged to Obama even though I am a dem, and was glad he won

I realize that there is but one party with 2 wings though one is the lesser of two evils. I also believe noone get to the final two running unless they are willing to play ball and do as told even though I think they let them get some of their dear issues passed.

here oddly issue 2 to not let GOP draw district boundaries failed by 56% I thought were the patches used to not get this issue passed but I think maybe they were installed in several swing states to rig them to Obama.

But I might be wrong and only when Bush is involved are elections rigged.

There are many ways to change machines vote with the propriety unexamined sourcecode, memory chips and middle men back doors

As to if they were used this election I cant say.

i can see how Trump feels though as I was devastated in 2004 but then we had obvious vote stealing here is is if it was (s)eleted for Obama this time it was done in a much more subtle way but either way I am just so glad Obama got it and if anyone deserves to be upset it is repubs who were so mean for so long.

He may have sour grapes but I don't mind admitting I was secretly smiling at the thought of my rabid repub brothers in law and how they must be feeling so I guess I am sort of feeling like gloating so I guess I am not perfect either.

It is great to win and hard to lose. I don't like him but I can see how he is feeling as I felt that way in 2004 we cried and felt bummed for days.

did repub care about all the evidence we had no they called us conspiracy theorists, crybabies, liars, sore losers ans treated us like crap instead of the good and brave people and patriots we are/were they said get over it (what? get over democracy--never)

they may or may not have rigged it this time..they do have capability I am convinced

But I don't feel sorry for how they feel as they did not give a darn when we had real fraud.

so they can all eat ___t

- Alecks - 11-27-2012 06:52 AM

Nobody takes that old annoying fart seriously.