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Do you think leftists realize that people have to actually pay taxes for the socialist programs they desire? - Printable Version

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- gyt - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

They don't understand the economy or taxes. They just listen to what Obama says and "say yes, thank you and Bush bad." How sad will they be when reality comes to light.

Reality came to light for our company today. Everyone had to take a pay cut to keep their jobs. The higher ups said it was because of upcoming increases in taxes and the predicted drop in clients due to business costs increases.

- bailie28 - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

no they dont they hear free and they believe its free

- Monkey Pig - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

The problem with socialism is, you eventually run out of other peoples money--Thatcher
YEA, how can I as an Evil Capitalist Pig create jobs and put people to work if you tax me to death. If Obama raises my business taxes, I cant give you Libs a raise, or hire more people. I will have to lay you off. You Libs voted yourselves right out of a job!
Dont forget whos been in charge the past 2 years!! Pelosi and Reid.

- trace - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

they can't see past that great big $13/week right now. they don't care how the programs get funded. or that they are the ones actually paying for them. they are getting a whopping $13/week!

- Stan Darsh - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

No, I truly do not think they understand that. I think they view the government as an omnipotent entity with a never ending supply of money (or at least a never ending supply of rich people to tax to death), and is there for the sole purpose of social/behavioral engineering and caring for us from cradle to grave.

Jeremiah is the perfect example. If he thinks we have unbridled capitalism, he sure is misinformed. We don't have anything near a laissez faire free market. Not even remotely close. We have so much government regulation and intervention in the market it's unreal, not to mention a centralized banking industry. We couldn't be farther from unbridled capitalism. But the spin doctors in the media convince sheep like him that it's all capitalism and deregulation that is to blame for this economic crisis when the exact opposite is true; too much government interference and a banking system that sets us up for this cyclical crap.

- oimwoomwio - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

Yeah, I realize that--I also have reason to believe that the real costs of a socialized medical system are considerably lower than the private for-profit system we have now, with its redundant bureaucracies, its huge attorneys fees and executive pay packages, and its primary allegiance to shareholders over policyholders.

A study last year showed that US citizens spend vastly more than the citizens of any other industrialized nation for their health care, and experience outcomes that are about 30th best in the world.