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What is more important - learning how to use Twitter or learning about history? - Printable Version

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- jupiteress - 11-27-2012 06:57 AM

I tried twitter and can't make head nor tail of it. 'history' covers many different subjects. Much of it is based on supposition and the culture writing it. Wars really do annoy me. Studying a subject of interest and filled with facts I looked forward too knowing more, along came King whatsit and destroyed everything. Oh No, bye bye to my fact finding.
Reading histoiry provides insight into the utter stupidity of man also the the great bravery,

- IRONMIKE - 11-27-2012 06:57 AM

Twitter, along with many other "gadgets, gizmos and whizzbangs", is just a flash in the pan. Here today gone tomorrow. If it earns even a footnote in History, I'll be very surprised. History on the other hand has been and will continue to be taught in civilized societies since man was first able to speak. 'Nuff said.