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Is my boyfriend crazy ? - Printable Version

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- Thanhthi - 12-09-2012 07:02 AM

Uh common sense. Leave the ahole he doesn't deserve you...if you date someone who is going to try and separate you life from those you love then that guy is not worth it.

- Jess - 12-09-2012 07:02 AM

UMMMM for one sounds like you dont need to be with this guy. He sounds like a waste of time and breath. Your best bet is to dump him. He just wants to control you, and honestly hun you are going to be VERY miserable if you let that happen. I promise you hes not the one for you! You are young live your life and have fun with your friends!!!! Dont even stunt him!

- Meyers - 12-09-2012 07:02 AM

He sounds like a sh*t with authority issues. If he can't respect that you have friends other than him, than he needs to go. By threatening you and saying derogatory things about you, he's further shown that he could care less about you, and this is a major reason you need to leave him A.S.A.P.

When you do break up with him, it will be a shock to him. From what you've told me, he might try to beat you up. So when the time comes, either do it quickly over the phone or in a crowd of people. Try to stay with groups of people for a while. While it may sound like this is a little bit of overreacting, you need to realize that there are a lot of crazy people out there.

- Michael - 12-09-2012 07:02 AM

It seems that this boy isnt right for you let alone any girl with that kind of attitude and the way he is acting. My advice is to let him go because he is the one thats going to be missing out on someone special he had. It also sounds as if he doesnt have much to offer including respect because if he respected you he would come to learn to like your friends or atleast allow you to talk to them. If you really care about this guy give him an ultimatum and let him know that if he doesnt start treating you with the care and respect you deserve, you will find someone else that can.

- Shawna - 12-09-2012 07:02 AM

Run. Run far, run fast. This guy is no good! He's too possesive and he calls you his bi*ch?! No good. He IS one of those guys that would hit their girlfriend! A regular guy would never do or say the things he's doing and saying. I JUST got away from and abusive man that acted EXACTLY like that when we were first dating. Abusers dont just start smacking you around right away, they have to beat you down mentally first so youll take it, otherwise you would leave the first time it happened!

- Mel H - 12-09-2012 07:02 AM

In a nutshell this guy's very very insecure.
This means unless he gets some therapy he will always be trying to control you and make you feel inferior to him. This is just how he is and how he operates. It gives him power.
You're young, pretty, and you've learnt something today. He will always be trying to control and bully you and mould you into what he wants. Be strong and walk away before you become too dependent on each other, this is the kind of guy turns into a creepy stalker when you tell him to walk, but you must be strong and do it before he damages you too much.

- So_Cal_Spaded - 12-09-2012 07:02 AM

He will get the shit kicked out of him eventually you don't go around acting like that without getting put in your place