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If right wing ideas were so benevolent; why are their intentions concealed? - Printable Version

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- largepancake728 - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

Isn't acquiring goods and services across state lines the very definition of freedom, freedom to engage in commerce of my choice with companies of my choice or my choice not to engage in such commerce at all and fund my health care as I, a free American unencumbered by a totalitarian regime, see fit whether it be in the form of a monthly payment to a provider of services or in a lump sum manner as the need or occurrence arises.

You are no doubt one who does not believe in freedom for the individual.

- Luckydoctor896 - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

They have a lot of money to try to take the stink out of their motives. It's called PR spin. Some people buy into the lies.

- Still Quazee - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

Republicans / "right wingers" are so sneaky? Pale imitation of the democrats, bubba. Like crafting the 0bamacare bill behind closed doors. Hows that open and transparency thing working for ya?

Just in case you might really want some information on the fair tax its plain enough even for a lib to understand.

- Mr. Smartypants - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

Right wing principles are not democratic. Conservatives, especially neo-conservatives, don't believe our nation can be run by the 'small people', the rabble. They believe our nation needs to be steered by an 'elite'. So they believe in packaging their agenda in concepts that people will vote for. This is very clearly stated in some of the early writings by WF Buckley, even the early speeches of Ronald Reagan, after he turned conservative. As gov. of California, Reagan spoke of democracy as 'the lunatics running the asylum'.

The Republican Party is the party of corporate control. Since they don't believe government can ever actually work, when they're in power they have no incentive to -make- it work. So they see government as simply a tool for shoveling taxpayer money to corporations and to deregulate them so they can make more money. Consequently, any problem that comes up, Republicans are going to propose 'solutions' that may or may not fix the problem, but that further their agenda. Allowing health care companies to sell across state lines would not have made health insurance cheaper or more available, but it would have been great for the health care companies' bottom line.

Their bottom line--their profits and their control of the health care market--is the GOP's top priority. And even this, they don't really make it a secret, you hear them say that all the time. When a Republican brags that our health care system is the best in the world, what he really means is that it creates more profit than any other country's health care system. Because to Republicans, more profit is better, even if it means that 50 million Americans can't get access to health care, even if it means that we have the lowest life expectancy, the highest infant and child mortality of any developed country.

Likewise Republican tax policy. Their tax proposals ALWAYS have the 'incidental' effect of shifting the burden of taxation off the rich and onto the middle class. GW Bush promised (over and over!) that the poor and middle class would get the 'overwhelming majority' of the breaks under his tax cut, but it ended up being a cut in only the taxes paid by the rich--estate tax, capital gains, etc. The incredibly badly-named 'Fair Tax' is just a scheme to eliminate the most progressive taxes (capital gains, income tax, etc.) and substitute the most regressive tax, sales tax.

Likewise privatizing Social Security so that GW Bush's buddies on Wall Street could make hundreds of billions a year in brokerage fees. The Republicans HATE Social Security because it provides benefits mostly to the middle class.

The REAL agenda of the GOP is the concentration of wealth and power, and every GOP tax 'cut', starting with Reagan's in the early 80s, is really no more than a tax shift.

But the GOP can't just come out and say 'Our agenda is to concentrate wealth, to destroy the Middle Class so corporations can make bigger profits in the short run'. So instead they say they want to 'cut taxes', and they take the position that -any- regulation of commerce is just immoral. Imprudent GOP deregulation has caused just one crisis after another, but deregulation is like a religious tenet with them.