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My boyfriend lies to make me happy? - Printable Version

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- Braedon - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

sex appeal is hardwired into human genetics we must mate to survive as a species. it takes men less then a minute to get aroused but it takes women 15 minutes. As is why men are more perverted control is hard to maintain in that amount of time.

My best suggestion is as long as he loves you love him in return but as with anything a low level of caution and preparation is always good. don't over react and truth enough women always like to ask there boyfriends questions like *does this make my butt look big* or *do i look fat* its very hard to give an honest opinion while still making his girlfriend happy. this why men lie about certain things. as well as men when they have a woman if they are not complete asses. They always love to see there woman smile.

Hope it helps

- Taylor Steadman - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

If you don't tell him you look at his facebook and twitter you're doing the same thing he's doing. You both don't want to get eachother upset or mad or hurt each other's feelings. So i really think you should be honest with him and tell him you didn't want to tell him that but you felt honesty was better than a little fighting. Trust me, if you get in little fights about white lies like that, its a lot better than lying yourselves into a relationship where eventually it will burst and ruin you or damage you or something like that. Trust is such an important thing in a relationship and if you just explain that to him, he will understand. Talk to him!
Good luck!!

- Melle - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

Begin making up stuff and not being totally honest with him.. Or tell him exactly how you feel each time you find out about his cover ups and omissions, and ask him straight out not to lie about tiny things like that. If he messes around on you do you really want to know. Turns out my first girlfriend, rather not have she told me herself. Lies don't make better relationships, but the do make ones that last.