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Why is there social housing in luxury areas? - Printable Version

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- THE MIGHTY RA - 01-16-2013 10:32 AM

Why have upmarket Londoners priced me out of the housing market in my home town in Devon?

- subst99 - 01-16-2013 10:36 AM

Wow, Carina, Maid, and others, way to blurt out hysteric drivel....

I understood the asker's question to refer to the price band of the area - i. e. the asker assumes that building social housing in these areas is much more expensive than in other areas, in other words: why build 20 social housing flats there, if you could have built 50 elsewhere for the same amount of money, thus helping more people.

I don't know if Dion's assumption is technically correct, as I don't know how the whole system works, but the consideration behind it is very valid and does not deserve any of the insults or hysteric reactions I have seen here.

- stanthemansmum - 01-16-2013 10:40 AM

Because these 'upmarket' areas still need the service industries, schools, hospitals etc. and the people who work in these have to live somewhere. Most of us want to live near to where we work, near where are children go to school and a school where the staff have some link with the area they teach in. Maybe the question should be what is the moral justification for someone charging up to £800K for a small, city centre flat?