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Is there any historical evidence that free market capitalism works? - Printable Version

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- sandplant16 - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

Don't think so, because pure free market economy without any regulations whatsoever would be self destructive. Without anti-trust laws, only one company would come out on top and there would be no competition. Without labor laws, children would be put to work and everyone except the owner of the one remaining company and his family would be receiving minimum wage. It would end up much like feudalism.

- Perry - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

You are living in the results of capitalism despite the progressive liberals war against it. Sure we need some regulations to protect society against the ultra greedy and a safety net for people who have fallen on hard times. But, we don't need an obama welfare nanny state where the government gives incentive to be lazy and rewards failure. Think of failures like GM and Solyndra where obama showered his corporate crony's with tax payer money.

However, public schools could be run much more efficiently with a higher turnout of educated students if they were privatized. Just look at the private schools and privately funded charter schools that are turning out superior kids now. Government and teachers unions have destroyed the public school system.

Tell me in what society in history that you could DRIVE a CAR built by CAPITALISTS to BUY a HAMBURGER for less than $5.00. On that Hamburger is Meat processed by a capitalist, lettuce and tomato's grown by a capitalist, Buns baked by a capitalist. Conversely, as someone who lived on communist Russia before the wall came down. They were lucky if there was one salame hanging in the neighborhood deli.

Now show me historical evidence where Marxism/Communism has sustained itself past one or two generations before it imploded and the people starved.

- Daniel T - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

Yes, the United States from 1776-2000.

Chile has had private social security since the 70's and they retire with much more even though they aren't as wealthy of a country.

Ask any businessman how much regulation has hurt their business in the last 10 years. Its been devastating.

Where you see capitalism fail is when people have no respect for the rule of law or when business make special deals with the government to drive out competition (see Solydra and GE).

- colossaltitle695 - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

For who? For bandits Lear's tiffs GOP/NWO puppeteers!