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Westboro Baptist Church protests Sandy Hook Elementary School? - Printable Version

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- jack lewis - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

Disgusting cult Christians ? i don't think so should get on there knees and repent.

- PATCH - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

If anyone ever deserved to be mown down surely it is them!

- generationalist - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

Other than the UK daily mail and a few scandal rags I can find no confirmation of westboro baptist church's interest in picketing but it would not surprise me if they did choose to picket. The westboro baptists are outspoken not only against homosexuality and claiming that the death of US soldiers is an act of god but they also vocally and actively oppose the teaching of evolution, climate science and sex education. If they show up to praise their belief that their god kills children to teach us a lesson then people in the US will most likely accelerate the turn away from organized religion. If the leaders of the wbc understand cause and effect relationships they will avoid protesting this one (but don't be surprised if they show up anyway). In answer to the issue of the legality of publicly protesting; the westboro baptist church is very organized and go to great lengths to protest within the limits of the law under the first amendment. They are still a despicable people with a despicable faith. They subtly incite violence from those most likely to commit an act of violence - the mentally unstable directed by extremist faith. All the while they claim they are opposed to racism and violence even though they praise their god for making others to kill in his name. They do have the legal right to protest and to say what they say but it is not presently known if they will protest this event.