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Do you like one direction why or why not? - Printable Version

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- Mihya - 01-30-2013 01:32 AM

I LOVE ONE DIRECTION! (: They are just amazayn boys who are doing what they love and deserve everything that they have gotten. I definitely ship Elounor and Zerrie! I love my boys... <3 xx

- Gabby - 01-30-2013 01:32 AM

One direction is Amazing. I have been watching them since they were on the X factor. They've made me so proud with their success. I've just recently purchased their new album, take me home and I already have it memorized. It's just so amazing.

- Respectedtest793 - 01-30-2013 01:32 AM

I agree with the other Directioners! They are amazayn, and I love them so much. Their new song "Little Things" really makes me think of myself. I have posters of them on my walls, and the only reason that I got a Twitter is to have them follow me back. I admin a Facebook page for them, and own another. I have made a billion things to send them, but I have always been too afraid! I have almost 200 pictures of them on my laptop, and I only have 300 total pictures. I know all of the inside jokes (Look, there's Kevin!) and I know who all of the other important people are, like Paul, Josh, Lou, and Lux. If this all makes me creepy, I accept it, because I am proud to be a Directioner! Big Grin (oh and also I have a really big fancrush on Niall!)