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Will Libertarians and Tea Party merge to form a larger 3rd party in the coming years? - Printable Version

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- Madspoon743 - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

If such a party would form as an alternative to both major parties, we in America would in all likelihood be facing a situation whereby coalition governments would have to be formed in order to put together any governing majority. Politics then would be more like European politics than we in America have been accustomed to for a very long time.

That scenario would hold true, I submit, unless the new party would supplant the current Republican party as the opposition party to the Democrats - a prospect that I consider to be unrealistic to seriously expect.

- Patrick4024 - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

Only if they want to make sure, they never get any influence in government. Third party candidates rarely get an office or taken serious.

- robzuc97 - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

"constitution, small government, fiscal responsibility, free market capitalism, and low taxes." This should be what we are all most interested in since what they do in Washington affects us all. How many know that Senate Democrats added on to the NDAA a provision that only veterans whom are "financially capable" may purchase a firearm? I must have missed all the new "crazy veterans with guns" stories of late... This harkens back to the post-Vietnam era stereotypes of the 1980's which saw such films as "Rambo" being categorized as "a veteran film"!

- Mike - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

I doubt that the Tea Party has anything to do with Liberty. They merely supported the most conservative candidates which almost killed our country People like Mitch McConnell. I call him The Turtle, because not only does he look like a turtle, he also never sticks his neck out by representing only the multi-billionaires of the country who give him political welfare money and his minion. The Tea Party should stick to Tea, that's about all they know.

Now, as far as the Libertarians are concerned, Rand and Ron Paul are Libertarians. Need I say more? They would have us abolish Social Security, the ONE GOOD THING that Government has ever accomplished for the working class stiffs like me. Sure Social Security needs to be reformed. But not abandoned completely. Why wants to throw Grandma or ME off the cliff? But, it does need a 'Means Test' which means that if you earn over a certain amount at time of Retirement, you should not qualify for a government pension.

There should also be reforms in the way that we invest in the Social Security System. I think the account should be more visible to the retiree so that they can invest their money in Real Estate or the Stock Market, however, it should not be completely privatized. Which means there should always be a guaranteed pay-out at retirement age, or else it's not worth doing. Most people will make huge mistakes in their financial planning, so there has to be a maximum part of their account that they can play with during their working years, say 10% of the funds. Some people would be very successful at making that 10% grow to equal or even exceed the other 90% that the government guarantees as the growth of the account.

So, Government needs huge reforms, but you don't throw the good out with the bad. One major way to reform Government is to allow for National Ballot Measures. This way, the electorate would have direct control over the crazy things they want to impose upon us. This is not Libertarian, or Partisan in any way. It's strictly the highest and best use of Democracy. And, this is what the founding fathers wanted us to achieve at some point in our Evolution. That's why they gave us the ability to change our constitution and add freedoms and liberties like this whenever we felt we were ready. I believe we're ready for Real Democracy in America today.

- Jim S - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

Many are beginning to regurgitate the force-feeding they receive in school, that any/all government is good, and that any/all laws are for the good of everyone.
Seeing laws passed by people that don't read them, yet have received a payment for doing so is revealing.
A lobbyist for the wealthy can insert a law which benefits certain people, almost exclusively (a sprinkling for the common folk is played-up as the purpose), and punishes any/all competition,
creating a quasi-legal monopoly.
Or they can avoid the dog & pony show, and go straight to the mandate, yet only from a particular (certified by them) vendor as an "attachment".
I see (albeit not now, but eventually), the "logos" of R or D becoming a virtual pariah, among informed voters, signifying that these people are but Puppets to (owned & operated by) a higher power, neither of who's complete agenda is worth a Damn.
These nasty, overboard rivals using disagreement as an excuse to do nothing (but collect paychecks & give themselves raises), and swing the door ALL THE WAY one way or the other every few years, so as to effectively keep us confused, starting over & in limbo our entire lives.
I see chronic weight loss in their immediate future, as soon as more others catch on.
Which leaves a "market" that neither serves (as they say). After 75 Million people of voting age didn't vote in the last election. That's (inconvenient truth) more than either candidate received.
It's inevitable, that more "options" will arrive.
The old game of invoking the old names & ways of previous particular party greats as an avenue to get in, are fading. Here's a hot-tip ... they're dead, their parties have flip-flopped & mutated.
The world is a different place now, and this "newbie" (no matter how hard they try), is not them.
Saying or believing there are only two choice is reminiscent of what a Hispanic co-worker told me about what a new-fish in the prison system gets asked on their first day ...
"Blood on my knife, or _hit on my _ick?" (one could use that analogy for American politics)

Neither, punk.

- HILL - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

I guarantee you that within the next 5 or 10 years, you will no longer see the Tea Party. All populist movements, whether they are on the right or the "left," die out eventually in the capitalist system. They all have no concept of organization, and when the ruling class no longer needs them, they implode.

We are already starting to witness the Tea Party's decay as a movement. It has become an arm of the Republican Party and imperialism. The Libertarians seem to be gaining popularity, though. That trend, however, won't last very long, when people begin to find out what libertarianism actually is.

Fiscal responsibility, free market capitalism, low taxes, etc are all branches of ruling class ideology. The development of imperialism and financialization has resulted in skyrocketing debt. Imperialism overseas is actually expanding, not contracting. Thus, ruling class ideology has found itself in contradiction with the capitalist system.

The Tea Party has now become a collection of right wing factions where some are lackeys for imperialism, and some are anti-war libertopians. Much of the racism in the movement has also been exposed to the public. I'd say the Tea Party is a failed organization. They don't have any hope in becoming a political party. There is too much factionalism.