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Is the liberal idea of a free market, one that gives away free cheese? - Printable Version

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- slykitty62 - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

Nope. It is a free market that has regulation that protects the little people from the corporations tryanny.

- mommanuke - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

No. That's cons. Like the one who emailed me complaining last week that Obama was trying to destroy the coal industry when the fact is that the free market is doing that due to lower demand and cheaper natural gas. I guess they think we should bankroll the coal industry until we can force people to use it again. Free Cheese for Corporations!

- Alex - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

No, it's one where the consumers are on the same level as the producers and giant companies don't get unfair advantages. As you would know if you knew anything about basic economics, the free market doesn't work when you have an information asymmetry between firms and consumers, when the firms have the power to set prices in the market, or when there are high barriers to entry for new firms.

- scrawnydoctor604 - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

Free market. Hmm, we used to have something like that, didn't we? Back when we had a working economy, I mean.

- PeekaBoo - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

Onlies if wees gits milks and breads wit the cheese.

- Captain Jack - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

The question is gibberish.

- The Happy Texan - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

Not sure. But probably:


1.believe that wealth is static.
2.believe that anyone who makes money must be stealing it from someone else. not understand that in a free market, wealth is created and is constantly expanding. not understand the simple dictum that "A rising tide lifts all boats." not understand that the free market lifts the economic conditions of all men. not understand that it is the creativity, ingenuity and hard work of the self-made millionaire's who create better products or a better service and thus a better life for all mankind. A rising tide does indeed, lift all boats.
7.Private property and individual wealth is integral to individualism, and the enemy of the Liberal.

- SmartAZ - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

If you mean politics, anything can be true if you keep saying it, and nothing is true if you can't be forced to admit it.

If you mean economics, half the people are trained in Keynesian bs and they follow the political advice above. The other half are not trained at all and are quite willing to let the government take over all their responsibilities even though the government has a lousy reputation in that subject. They don't ever want their responsibilities back for any reason.

This all keeps on until it is physically impossible to support the regime any longer. After the crash the people grieve for the glory they used to feel. People still mourn the loss of "the roaring 20s" almost a century ago, even though it directly caused the crash of 29 and the hardships thereafter.