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Any really good ways to make money online without paying first? - Printable Version

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- Mikel k - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

Make money
online I used this site and it showed me few sites that made me make 6o$
in 2 weeks. Here is the site:
I recommend this site it is free and it really helped me

- Marko M - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

Then this blog is for u!

- Joe T - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

Get paid to just search online

- Krazykyle - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

Check out these sites!

- Alicia G - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

You have to ask yourself, do you really want to make money?
Listen to this audio and find out the real truth about it.

- Eta E - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM


This one is completely free and I'll show you they have paid me:

That was the best online money I have so far. Some facts that you should know about this site are:
1. Free to join, you don't need to pay anything to join.
2. Open to everyone in the world who able to speak English
3. Payment will be done once minimum payout USD10.00 reached. payment will be done every month.
4. Not require to sell/market anything.
5. The income is based on how much you contribute in the website.

Sounds good isn't it? I guess now you're thinking of what kind of making money is this and what should you do to get the earnings? Here's the answer:

The site's revenue is based on the traffic (how many peoples surfing to their website). So it ask us to become their members and pays us to surf to their website. Every members will be paid based on how much their activities in the website. Basic activity in the website is: TYPING.

TYPING? yes, you need to type your own articles in the website. This site is something like forum, but more than a forum. There are many kinds of activities such as: responding to member's discussion, giving opinion/suggestion, giving advices, uploading unique photos and so on.

I don't know if you get what my point is, but you need to join us to know how it feel.

To convince you, I'll show you the proof of payment:

Please remember this: do not be greedy when contributing in this website. There's no easy money. Read the guidelines carefully before start your new life at myLot. OR you'll get banned. I have been banned before and all my money frozen. Now I don't want you to get banned.

Happy myLoting.....


- Brady E - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

This is ranked as the #1 Home Based Business opportunity in the World. SFI Marketing is the head company but take a look at this opportunity they are offering

Please after reading this website let me know what questions you have

- ipodforhumans - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

Hello. Of cource there is a lot of free to start programs. The most known are the affiliates. They are best for the newbies too. One of the largest program to join is: SFI -> . There are alot of products to promote , they provide you with free learning materials and more too. Isnt that cool ? And its free to join and start, at least i dont pay nothing , to anyone... Smile

Hope thi will help you.

- - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

You do not have to pay a lot for making money online.... Those are scam if they ask you to pay alot. You need some effort to get some money.

They should be able to teach you how to earn it yourself. It is simple if you know how to.

- andromida j - 02-20-2013 06:54 PM

Create an account through legitimate websites that offer an extra dollar for services like posting and other stuff.