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Is it reasonable for my girlfriend to want me to deactivate my facebook? - Printable Version

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- Lisa B - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

It's unreasonable. Do you have her Facebook password or is she allowed to invade your privacy while maintaining her own?

This is something you need to sort out now or she'll start getting over-involved in other areas of your life, too.

- Jojo - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

If she's got your pw and keeps checking up on you, she's mega insecure and probably a little stalkerish. Gotta have trust in a relationship, and you aren't even doing anything wrong. Don't deactivate it.

- @strid* - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

I think she should not logs into your facebook....
Anyway I don't like socianetwork... specially facebook...

Remember.. the most important thing is your relationship! (:

Have a good day!

- poweranni - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM


Change your password.

Get a new girlfriend. Geez.

Next week, she will accuse you of cheating on her, and bring it up in every argument you have, until you finally can't take it any more, and dump her. Then you will be a jerk for dumping her.

Please ... get out of this while you can.

- bn - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

Go buy a pair of big boy pants and grow a set. Stop being a PUNK.

- Nerveana - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

She's far too controlling. That ain't healthy man. You need to draw a line in the sand and if she crosses it, dump her.

Your girlfriend should not have any access to any of your personal things. If she can't trust you now, trust me it doesn't get better. My brother just had a child with an incredibly jealous woman and he basically had to dump all his friends because she's too damn insecure. There's a woman he was friends with since he was about 11 and because of his fiance's jealousy he won't speak to her anymore, he won't speak to her family anymore and he even tries to my family to shun them. They're family friends of ours, they've treated us wonderfully, but because he fell in love with a psychotic, insecure woman hes had to abandon practically his entire life. It starts off with small things like this and progressively gets worse in my experience.

- White Raven - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

Of course she's insecure. The question is, how much of an issue is it. Okay, you don't respond. What's your relationship status? If it's "in a relationship" (or some variation), then you're not inviting it, and by not reacting to it, you are proving to her you are trustworthy. If this isn't good enough, then I would say she has some control or jealousy issues you two need to discuss and resolve.

The world is full of women who will flirt with you, both on and off FB. If she needs to isolate you from the world in order to be happy, something's wrong. If she's just concerned, that's normal, and staying honest and open (and, perhaps, willing to unfriend those who are trying to make her jealous), or some similar compromise, should work.

- White Raven - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

You need to change all your passwords. She's quite controlling and insecure. There is no need to deactivate your page.

- ♥ Aρρlερορ - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

She already has your password and (I'm assuming) your permission to log in and "check up" on you. THAT should be enough to show that you're trustworthy. Anything more and she's just trying to be controlling.

- bet - 02-28-2013 01:15 PM

No its not, she's just insecure.