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Do fiscal conservatives understand the importance of socially reconstructing the country to the right? - Printable Version

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- libsticker - 04-30-2013 12:59 PM

This fiscal conservative understands that the economic policy can support the ideology, or oppose it. I agree that you can not be completely conservative or liberal without the economics to support one or the other, but you can have a middle ground, the real question is how far do you want to go. The more you spend on social engineering and leftist programs the less money your going to have in the future to keep them going, at some point the economic system will collapse and then you have no money to pay for the programs that leftist fought so hard to ascertain.

- Steve G - 04-30-2013 01:03 PM

Bull. A fiscal conservative is simply someone who does not think we should spend more than we bring in, and that we should be frugal about what we spend. Banning gay marriage, for example, has nothing what-so-ever to do with it.

- wally woogie - 04-30-2013 01:16 PM

The American society is already lost to liberalism, of poor work ethics, of addictions, of free money from the gub'ment, of gangs, of attacking the very people who hire us, of being ant-free markets, of being selfish, of a culture lost in decay, and of educational indoctrination to keep us this way.

We're now forbidden to even suggest people's problems are their own creation, that it's someone else's fault.