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Are you sick of this new trend? - Printable Version

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- Merryboy462 - 05-03-2013 02:33 PM

No your not the only one. But to me, I feel that to make friends and for ones to understand each other, it is best to be honest.

I am getting friends saying: ah now I understand etc.

I went to England last year (I live in France) to see my sister and I was just absolutely amazed to see everyone with their Ipod texting so their heads bent down constantly. Wow it was surreal to me. Lol there I was with my ordinarily mobile one and my little mp3 player and you could tell this from far away because my earpiece is black compared to all others being white.

Perhaps I have lived in France too long, because it was almost frightening lol

- ? - 05-03-2013 02:38 PM

I hate all trends because I'm a hipster douchebag.

- sillyafternoon802 - 05-03-2013 02:50 PM

No, you're just dumb.

- Frost - 05-03-2013 03:03 PM

I'm fine with it, it makes it easier to weed out all the idioten Und die Leute denken, die eine Ansammlung von Pixeln ist ihr Freund

- Luke McCormack - 05-03-2013 03:11 PM

I kind of agree with you. I think it's ridiculous how people these days feel that it's necessary to tell the world what they're doing at all times, like with Twitter and Facebook. Everywhere you go, it seems like 9 out of 10 people are glued to their phones, either texting, talking, or posting something new on their Facebook page. It's just stupid how some people are ALWAYS texting or talking to someone, no matter what they're doing at the time. Like, is there really that much to talk about lol? It makes me wonder what can possibly be so important that someone needs to talk or text while they are doing something like driving or walking around a store.

- Sissie - 05-03-2013 03:18 PM

I agree with you, with FB and Twitter there is always some "like" advertisement "like us on FB and get a free soda" or something.

I don't even have a FB page because I like my privacy!