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Is Obama's America sustainable? - Printable Version

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- Elmer - 05-04-2013 10:31 PM

No, and he has said so.

He wants the USA to fail.

He is forcing us to fail.

- Strawberry Gashes - 05-04-2013 10:36 PM

America isn't sustainable

- Arthur W - 05-04-2013 10:47 PM

Better start praying we never ever see Obamas America as he wants it but then it never hurt anybody to want!

- Miss Demeanor - 05-04-2013 10:59 PM

Not one idea in his little bitty head is sustainable.
He believes in giving incentives so everyone who is unemployed doesn't have to work for another year. Whoopie!

Never mind bringing manufacturing back. Unemployment is the path of least resistance. Got a problem? _Obama will toss taxpayer money at you.

- who WAS #1? - 05-04-2013 11:06 PM

Sustainability is a myth.
Thanks to the Federal Reserve (which the mainstream media and every elected Rep in Washington DC doesn't mention any more than they mention Monsanto and GMO foods) the Federal government are only pawns in the game. It is the banksters who control the game.

And they have a plan: