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How are some ways I can meet men? - Printable Version

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- thunderbird 22 - 05-11-2013 06:12 PM

if u wanna find single men online then i guess u gotta chat and ,well i can tell u,, if u say if u wnna chat ,many ppl will tlk to u,, just take care tht u shoose whom to tlk with and rest jerks u may add to ur ignore list,,, and once u start talking ,,ask them for there pics,, afte r1 or 2 conversations,, and trik is tht first tim when u tlk tell them tht u need real friendship and the nsee who is honest and worth,, a person u can stick to u just for friendship is really worth being with,

and yeah if some one says not to show pic then tell him tht u prefer honest men i mean to say tht tell him tht in friendship both ppl must know each other ....and but dnt 4get to show ur pick otherwise tht person will term u cheater.

and probably u can mention whilw chatting u r looking for men upto 20 years ... but u also be honest and when u get real frnd u express ur desires to him,,, isnt it simple.

]and if u wanna find someone in general i mean wherever u go and all, the ni guess where u sit or stand and if u find attractive men or a man,, u can start a chat with him,, approach him and see wht happens...., if he gives ur type response gr88 otherwise leave it ,,g ofor someone else.....

other then this there is only 1 way go on some dating site or orkut,facebook, hi5,myspace ,where u can find people,,,,,

but dating sites u will require money to pay,, and orkut and others ull get in free, so they r good nd helpfull..

other than this one more idea,, why dnt u tryu to chat up people who u find intresting in yahoo answers section,,, its not bad idea and ull find young guys as well

all the best

- Hitz - 05-11-2013 06:22 PM

Hey,I've bunch of pals in my yahoo answers network who are top contributors under dating & singles category,they definitely can assist & help you out, i couldn't add you under my buddy list, if you do,i'll give you many !

In times past, a girl's main goal was to find a man to marry her. A girl needed a male to support her financially, protect her, and, of course, to have children with. Any girls who were unfortunate enough not to find a male by the time they were eighteen were dubbed as being "Old Maids".

In modern times, a girl usually works outside the home whether she's married or not. She can support herself, protect herself quite well, and, with the help of adoption agencies and sperm banks, she can even have children without the need to marry. Any girls who remain unmarried now can refer to themselves as being, "Independent Women of the New Millennium."

But, there are several advantages of meeting men and finding a special one for yourself. If you're having trouble with this process, then try to liven up your love life by using these tips:

1. Expand Your Social Horizons

You may already have an active social life. On Sundays, maybe you can be found in church. Monday nights may find you volunteering at the local women's shelter. And, maybe you play computer games and have pizza with some girl friends on Friday night.

While these activities are fine, the likelihood that you're going to meet guys is low. So, why not expand your social horizons to increase your chances? You can bowl on a mixed league or attend other sports events such as car races, tennis tournaments, fishing events, and organized softball games. Or, you can become interested in local causes that hold weekly meetings. Whatever you choose, just make sure that the event is one that men would attend too.

2. Try "Word of Mouth" Advertising

You've undoubtedly heard of this type of advertising. It works because one person tells another person who tells another, and so on. By nature, we tend to believe what someone tells us. Therefore, if a friend tells us that XYZ product is great, then we'll probably believe it!

Why not use word of mouth advertising to your advantage? Let your family, friends, and coworkers know that you are looking to meet men. Add in a few descriptive tidbits about yourself, and the word has started its long journey! They will undoubtedly pass this information on to others they know, and on to others, and on to others! You could actually end up meeting someone's sister's neighbor's brother from Timbuktu!

3. Utilize Your Local Newspaper's Ads

Don't be afraid to pay to put a personal ad in your local newspaper! Maybe you think you're not a beauty, or that your personality is dull, and that you're too shy to try this tip. But, what can it hurt?

If you don't find the man of your dreams, you're sure to meet many men as long as your ad is interesting.

So, what makes an ad interesting? Include items about yourself that would catch a man's eye!

Instead of saying, "likes to crochet", say, "enjoys hiking". Or, instead of saying "loves kids"- a line that might scare a guy away, say "loves to play computer games".

As you can see, in order to meet men, you need to put yourself in the same social places as men are.

You also need to make it known that you're looking - don't be shy! And, finally, you need to let men know that you have an interest in hobbies, sports, and other activities that they are interested in too!

- Dev R - 05-11-2013 06:24 PM