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How can Social Media be used for SEO? - Printable Version

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- Garry Gill - 10-12-2012 06:51 PM

Social Media is now-a-days spreading very fastly. If you really want to have a good online presence than to use social media is very necessary.You have to first make your profiles on social media networking sites like facebook,twitter,pinterest,Google+ etc.Then, start promotions of your site by updating daily posts.By doing this you will create a good online reputation.

- Cole - 10-12-2012 06:51 PM

Build a useful tool that can help others, this is something you can share through social media. As people like it and share it, it will eventually earn quality links as well which will help rank the page as well as build credibility for the entire site.

Social signals are also used by search engines to determine placement.

- Techxan - 10-12-2012 06:51 PM

SEO consists of many things, and Social media is just a part of it.

The reason it helps your site is that search engines look for websites with traffic and a lot of people talking about them. On the web, when people talk about you, they usually use a link to your site. To search engines this counts as a vote for your site. This is why everyone wants to build backlinks to increase your ranking. The problem is that when you build your own back-links and Google finds out, they will place a penalty on your site that will push your ranking very low, because they see that you are trying to influence the search results..

Since you want links, but you cannot build them yourself, you have to have such a good site that people will recommend to each other. If you have such a site, more and more people will see it, tell their friends, and their friends will too, and your site will be rewarded for being such a great site.

If someone liked your site and shared it, you get a link, and more people learn about your site. When more people learn about your site, they will visit it and tell their friends about it. If some of them link to you, you get more links and more traffic, both of which the search engines love to see.

Social media is a big part of many peoples lives online today, so using t as a ranking factor makes perfect sense. For right now, having a lot of "social signals" (as they are called), is a great help to ranking your site. This will not always be the case. The online public is a fluid bunch, and what is popular today will not always be so. When some other parameter begins to have influence in online behavior, the search engines will have an algorithm update, and social media's influence will wane. This is what makes SEO so hard for many people. You must constantly watch what is going on and adapt your plan accordingly.