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Do you think that Facebook is a good or bad thing? - Printable Version

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- Tom S - 08-08-2013 07:53 PM

At this point, meh.

But in the long run Facebook will have a very negative effect.
It will become almost mandatory, if not straight up mandatory in the future. In present day you better have a facebook even if you never use it because Human Resource people will think you are weird and secretive if you don't have one and they won't hire you.
In some places your employers can straight up demand your Facebook password.
And eventually you won't be able to buy things at fair prices unless you LIKE it on Facebook.

As time goes on more and more personal information will posted on Facebook or collected by Facebook. And at any point in time hackers, criminals, your boss, your family, corporations or the government can easily grab it.

The kids of today will be the politicians of tomorrow. So anything they are posting today (jokes, things they like, stupid opinions) are archived and will be fair game for their opponents in the future. Expect future political scandals to erupt over what Bobby said 30 years ago.

People are becoming dependent on Facebook for organization. If a group of people want to organize for something the government/companies can easily monitor it and strike individuals. People will not be used to organizing without Facebook.

- Mar - 08-08-2013 07:59 PM

I think its BAD. fb is like a huge gossip billboard where people know what your doing every minute of every day. complete strangers and coworkers knew my relative went on a trip cuz her bf posted a photo and they read the comments... I mean NO privacy whatsoever and it's Creepy!!!

- Christopher - 08-08-2013 08:11 PM

It's good if you use if to be in touch with your loved ones but it if you make it a habit and can't live without it then it's very bad.