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Do you wish McCain & Bush got their way in 2005, and Social Security was tied to the market? - Printable Version

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- agreeabletoothpaste527 - 10-13-2012 10:50 AM



- tanp - 10-13-2012 10:50 AM

the government has been using your SS money every year since 1952 to do as they wish and don't intend to pay it back.If they would of left it alone when it came time for you to retire you wouldn't have to worry about losing your house

- crunch - 10-13-2012 10:50 AM

Social Security, at least a portion of it, should have been in the Market since 1932.

The DJIA was at 40 points in 1932 and even following today's sell off, it's still above 10,000.

If 1 trillion of the pilfered 6 trillion from the SS trust fund were in the market, we all would be far better off than we are currently.

If the government proposes to coercively take money from me for my own good, I would prefer to have at least a portion of the stolen money in an account with my name on it (SSN) and not in some elaborate government pyramid scheme.

If you are under the age of 30, the government has promised me, on your behalf, to use your money for my benefit.

I will be one of 2 or 3 retirees the government has promised will receive your money. The most recent Social Security Statement I received indicates the government has promised to send me about $1,800/month of your hard earned money.

Why would you prefer to work and give up your money instead of allowing my money, which I worked for and continue to work for, work for me instead?

I get by on what I take home which means that a good percentage of what I earn could actually be saved or invested. I could choose to do that if I had the actual funds, or I could choose to blow it. Ahhh, liberty!

Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi, quotes about Respect:
Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.

Ask yourself two questions.

If SS were actually and totally collected for the benefit of the people then why, at its inception, was the retirement age set higher than average life expectancy of the era and why is so much of the money collected missing from the trust fund?

The Social Security system as currently operated is a sham but it is socialism at its best.

You will be required to work hard and forced to live in poverty and I will be old and in poverty; we will be equal, however, you will be working and I won't be.

Not so equal in my eyes as I see definite subservient tendencies in a program that forces workers to labor for those who don’t.

You might get lucky. I could die before retirement, like the government is hoping, but another retiree will always fill the void.

Would you rather have me mooching off you or drawing down slightly on the massive wealth that has accumulated in the market over the last 75 years?