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I hate the new layout of y answers? - Printable Version

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- Subha - 11-10-2013 08:29 PM

I Hate The New Layout For Yahoo Answers Whos Idea Was It

What do you think of the new Fantasy Football site? : Do you love it, hate it or is something missing? . But this new layout just seems sloppy and somewhat careless. I don’t know who’s idea it was to put white/blue text on a dark background, but on a website with a lot of text to

The 10 Most Hated Companies in America : companies hated? The answer often depends on who is asking. Failures include the new layout and pricing of J.C. Penney Co. Inc. (NYSE:

Flickr The Help Forum [Acknowledged] Yahoo Navigation Bar : Hi, I’ve noticed a new purple Yahoo navigation bar at the top of all of my Flickr pages: I want to know who’s idea it was not to give us the option to easily remove this. Get real, everyone hates this sort of stuff to the

How Gmail’s New Inbox Is Affecting Open Rates : If you haven’t heard about Gmail’s new layout, there’s a lot of info out there There aren’t any good answers here, because Gmail is really good at what they do. . to recipients based on different services such as gmail, ya

Flickr Discussing Look through all the I hate the New Flickr : Just like Grand Central but without the oyster bar, the trains, New Have an idea for a new Flickr feature? Ahead of a major rebrand, Yahoo is to release a different version of its log. . Anybody has an answer ? Ha

How to Switch Back to Yahoo Classic Mail : The new Yahoo Mail is not really liked by all the people who were used to the old one. Is it too much of a hassle for you guys to hire someone who is an expert in €œcontacts 20110624030416AA

Black Folks It’s Time To Stop Taking Care Of White People : They don’t hate to pump their fists in the air. It is about a culture that reinforces the idea that black men have no value. People are perplexed at how we got here and want answers. That’s my new civil rights movemen

How to Handle Being the New Kid at School 20 Steps : Here are some ways to help you survive your first day as the new kid. Be confident . Ask for a map of the layout of the school. No time for this? But you want to take the time to look things over and figure out who’s who. As

Gmail’s new look Do Not Want : If the old gmail does not come back I will go to Yahoo email. I’m a Product Manager on Gmail and I want to answer some of your questions. . I’m in the crowd of people who strongly dislike the new look. . Here’s a better idea: retire t

Yahoo’s Biggest Problem Is The Ad Atop This Page (Or at Least One : No, the biggest problem is this horrible new layout. I wish yahoo would stop changing the home page, I dislike the news not being . isn’t good news for the advertiser €” nor for the middleman who is trying to sell you those

How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet : It is the assembly of something brand new from nothing but an idea. their company to Yahoo, whose deep pockets promised great things for Flickrs users. Hated it. The app landed like a pile of mud on a wedding gown.

Pogues Posts : Reviews and quick hits from David Pogue, whose technology If youd like the answers, I highly recommend Patrick Smiths new book, Everybody loves to hate email. Its correspondence, collaboration, ideas, news, warnings and . customize their experience, offering a palette of 24 new layouts.

Myspace : Brad Greenspan nixed the idea, believing that keeping Myspace free was necessary At its peak, when News Corp attempted to merge it with Yahoo in 2007, . The overall layout of the New Myspace is a sideways scroll style where users scroll widgets and can be seen as an answer to Facebooks developer platform.

Has Yahoo Improved Its Homepage? Many Think Not : €œBeginning today, you will start to see a new Yahoo thats designed to be more . Yahoos new homepage is horrible I hate it. . I have been one of those unfortunate €œtest cases€ whose yahoo has been I wish Yahoo would abandon this idea and go back to an easy to read page. . I hate the new layout.

The New Yahoo Mail 5 Things You Need to Know : For a large number of email users, the answers still a solid €œYes. . The layout is horrible and hard to read anything among other problems. . I hate the new yahoo .can anyone tell me how to print? . I also knew TOO many ppl whose yahoo accts got hacked despite vigilance, regular password changes,

The New Yahoo Mail Quite Nice : Yahoo has started rolling out the new version of Yahoo Mail its been betatesting since Also Yahoo doesnt answer my feedback for months.

Why We Hate Lisp : We hate Lisp because in spite of reading the first half of several with it Except that the correct answer delivers the numbers from 1 to 10, not 0 to 9 Smile , hence: apply them to XML, or point out where XML is introducing new ideas. AG ( airline management), Intels layout verification tool whose name I

Have X : The issue begins with more traditional, controlled panel layouts as Magneto and This new storyline puts the focus back on Wolverine, whose plan for a relatively calm . Instead of shelving the idea, he just went ahead with it anyway, hoping to distact I Hate You

Facebook Timeline FAQ Youve got questions weve got answers : The new application takes everything youve ever done on Facebook It has a gorgeous layout, and as with all things, navigating the . I ABSOLUTELY hate this new Timeline €“ why were all of us Someone who is not my friend on fb jus sent me an inbox and said Same problem, no idea whats wrong.

ForumWho is Ferbs Real Mom and Phineass Real Dad? : I think the point in not mentioning either is the idea that Phineas and they also both posess the ability to create new inventions at an unusually fast rate for . who could blame Linda if Dr. D was Phineas real father, not that I hate the guy). will tell us, although it may not be in cartoon form, and well have our answer.

- --- - 11-10-2013 08:43 PM

Use, its still the old version.

- Daniel - 11-10-2013 08:48 PM

A Lot of Us Do For Now you Can Use the Old Site By Switching to a Another Country's Yahoo Answers Site you Can Use Yahoo Answers Canada It Has The Old Yahoo Site