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How can I get access to my facebook back? - Printable Version

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- Christopher - 11-27-2013 03:16 AM

Im having the exact same problem ... how is it a social "network" when you arent allowed to network?????

- mohammed faisal - 11-27-2013 03:22 AM

im having same problem from afternoon 2 pm ... if anyone get solution please message me for this email id [lease

- Oswald Y. - 11-27-2013 03:33 AM

Same problem! please help

- Amber - 11-27-2013 03:36 AM

i am having the same problem. i have had my facebook since 2008, with close to 2,000 friends and this has never happened before. my facebook is my primary source of communication so im so not a happy camper. if anyone has any information regarding this situation i'd love to hear some feed back!!!

- Beverly - 11-27-2013 03:52 AM

I have two different facebook accounts. Both are having the exact same problem. If anyone figures out how to fix it please let me know asap!!!! I really need to get back on there. I have family whos only way of communicating with me is through facebook. Please contact me asap if anybody figures it out.

- EccentricRichard - 11-27-2013 03:55 AM

I'm having the same issue too - sent some friend requests, got myself a 30-day ban, now I can't log in...

- Max - 11-27-2013 04:08 AM

So, .. do we wait until it stops..? Or do we make a new one, that's the question guys.

- Spiros - 11-27-2013 04:19 AM

hello guys ,i have exactly the same problem ..what we can do ?we have it all in the same time,,they are gona fix it?

- ? - 11-27-2013 04:21 AM

Ugh it has happened to me also and I followed the prompts agreeing not to send unwanted friend requests ( followed by a list of people whom I added which didn't recognize my name change) and then when I tried to log in it says 'something went wrong. Try again later' Well I have tried again later, 12 hours later and nothing. I have been suspended from sending friend requests for seven days, but according to FB you can still access your account....I beg to differ.

I do believe that it was a FB checkpoint, their automated system where we may have to many unanswered friends requests etc so it spits out that for all of us at the same time and something has glitched in their system associated with all our accounts. I have tried contacting FB but won't hold my breath for a reply. I read somewhere in my search to find the answers was to wait a day and it should right itself, and I've read that we should wait out our suspension time, which I will but the issue I have with that is my account hasn't been suspended just my ability to add friends, so I do believe that there is a MAJOR glitch with their system and perhaps unless THEY address the issue it won't be fixed, so I guess all we can do is continue to contact their HELP (laughs inwardly) team and hope they sort it out soon.

- Rotari - 11-27-2013 04:37 AM

same problem here... i have very important information on facebook and i cant even get it out of there... screw you Zuckerberg