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Currently, what gender would you say you are, out of these FIFTY? - Printable Version

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- mkendrickj - 02-18-2014 10:26 AM

No we don't. It's pure unadulterated pandering to a fringe element of society that the media has latched onto in the name of equality and 'tolerance.' What it is is tolerance of some peoples slightest whim about what they'd like to be called today, because tomorrow that could change in a heartbeat. It's pitiful!

- B K - 02-18-2014 10:31 AM

Like you, I have no idea what most of these are. But variety is the spice of life, as they say. The important thing is that (if it's actually true), they aren't forcing anything on anyone surely. People can still identify as men/women if they choose - arguably however, perhaps they should also allow you to leave that field blank when you get an account.

All that's important is that people can express themselves freely, that's what true freedom is all about is it not?

It seems that currently, you need to choose either male or female, however you can choose not to show that information on your timeline. Since this has appeared in the Mirror - hardly a "news" paper at all - it's probably best to take it with a pinch of salt until it actually happens.

The British gutter press are not known for accurate reporting. Quite frankly, I wouldn't even consider them good enough to wipe my ar5e with.

Reporting of the alleged EU law that was going to ban bent bananas comes to mind. Of course it turned out to be complete tosh.

- Wessex - 02-18-2014 10:37 AM


Just call me a bloke...!

- Confused Hal - 02-18-2014 10:53 AM

Is it so a Gender Questioning (whatever that is) person can meet like minded Gender Questioning people?

If so will they all have the same questioning about Gender as each other? Or is there a requirement to have sub groups so we can be sure!!!

Isn't diversity supposed to promote inclusion - and if so why the need to categorise and sort people according to gender or anything else for that matter. I detest the use of labels - it contradicts diversity and inclusion instead it promotes isolation and exclusion.

- Sarky - 02-18-2014 11:08 AM

There is male and female - end off.

Even those born with both sets of genitalia can be classified as one or the other by their chromosone count.

This facecrap stuff is just that, CR@P.

- 722 - 02-18-2014 11:20 AM

I'm one of the roughly 7 billion genders in the world. I would say that it most likely fits what most people would call male.

- Tigerlily Breezer - 02-18-2014 11:24 AM

I am a straight white female.