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Is It Immature To Delete An Ex Off Facebook? - Printable Version

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- swbarnes2 - 02-18-2014 06:33 PM

Yeah. He obviously doesn't want contact, following him on facebook is not good for you.

- chakra girl - 02-18-2014 06:39 PM

what an immature pr*ck he is, and no it's not immature to block him, as he's acting like it doesn't matter what he did and is rubbing salt in the wound

- betta - 02-18-2014 06:46 PM

Delete and block. Obviously he's not a friend, why pretend he is on FB. He probably likes that despite his despicable behavior you still keep him there.

- Barb Outhere - 02-18-2014 06:53 PM

If the connection causes you pain sever it. Simple. You do not "owe" him, when he couldn't even give you a reason why you broke up. Look after yourself and your own needs, and worry less about doing right by this Ex of yours.