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Anti-abortion proponents, can you help me answer this question about abortions ? - Printable Version

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- Serena - 11-09-2012 07:47 PM

Hi Lee
You were asking about abortion never being okay and wanted support for that viewpoint. Here are some thoughts.
- Even in serious cases such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes and heart or kidney disease women can usually continue the pregnancy while receiving appropriate treatment. Some treatments are being used that do not harm the fetus and there are some alternative treatments that do not harm the baby. In some cases it is also safe to delay treatment till after delivery. You can find out more on this in my book in "Reason #93 Abortion May Not Be Medically Necessary" (see for the free e-book)
-In some cases such as pre-eclampsia where the mother may genuinely die if the pregnancy continues there is also the option of delivering the fetus instead of killing it. If it's after 20 something weeks there will be a possibility the baby will survive. Obviously the baby shouldn't be born until it is ready but if (and my current understanding leads me to believe that are a few cases where) the mother would die then I believe a premature birth is preferable, though not happy. I would see it more as an intervention than a deliberate abortion because if at all possible you will save the baby.
-Certainly as you mentioned, I would be putting it in the hands of God as well, and praying for the best outcome.

- ♫Ms. Kitty♀♫ - 11-09-2012 07:47 PM

Try driving with your eyes closed and see if God will make the decision for you then.

What about ectopic pregnancies? They baby WILL die regardless. And if no abortion is obtained the mother WILL die as well.

God helps those who helped themselves. He doesn't help people that just sit around waiting for his miracles.