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My boyfriend is telling all my friends my deepest secrets what do i do? - Printable Version

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- Stasia - 11-09-2012 08:22 PM

number one: your boyfriend is a assh*le!
number two: he's your boyfriend, so he should be the one who keeps all your secrets, not spread it.

you said you told him your secrets because he doesnt live by you. so there could be a misunderstanding and he might think that "your secret" wasn't actually a secret OR he could always think that since he's so far, he should tell your friends so they can help you for him.

but he should atleast have the common sense to know figure out that you dont want those information shared. if he doesnt know you well enough to think that what he did was okay, then i suggest you break up with him.

- Inferno - 11-09-2012 08:22 PM

leave him hes a total waste of life. im sorry this happened i know what its like when u tel someone ur deepest secrets and that person betrays u but hes not worth it only tell people this kind of stuff when they are proven trustworthy people suggested to me that u test the person with much smaller secrets and tests etc. and see how they do with that before telling them inportant stuff. moving on isnt easy but its necessary. good luck hun

- debbie - 11-09-2012 08:22 PM

Perhaps he is truly concerned for you. I'm not really sure exactly what is happening in your life were you are concerned about social services. Does he have a legitimate reasoning for seeking others advise as to what you may be going through? How bad is this home your in? I think him putting your info out there the way he did was not the classiest thing to do but at the same time I can't help thinking you may need to call social services yourself. As far as your boyfriend you need to contact him and ask him why and then find a true friend that can help you decide how to handle your home life.

- Noonamaker - 11-09-2012 08:22 PM

get revenge. Or tell people that he is posting nothing but lies bc he was upset over something...

- jerrycherry7 - 11-09-2012 08:22 PM

wow omg u 2 huh same happened to me b4 but we went to the same school ughhhh 1st tell him hey i told u that in confidences wtf >_<* then dump his girly azz put all his bussnes on fb if he continews and sue him for incriminating ur name sorry ur going threw this but he's a jerk get rid on him

- MGD - 11-09-2012 08:22 PM

5th April 2011

Hi Sydney,

I live in Sydney Australia.

I would axe the bloke BIG TIME.

He is obviously an immature goose.

What more can you do - maybe a baseball bat to the cranium would make you feel better.

Maybe before you do incite some serious pain, wheedle some of his secrets out of him and then threaten him to expose them unless he removes all comments about you from his Facebook.

Use his secrets to threaten him but don;t expose them - of course he may have been trying to help and just be a real twit about how he was approaching the matter - BUT that doesn;t alter the fact that he should not have done it.

Of course is it possible that your secrets do require some outside help and though he is a bumbling twit he is concerned for you?

I hope things work out for you.

regards Mike D

- coolgal082004 - 11-09-2012 08:22 PM

First before anything, have a serious talk with your boyfriend in person alone (not on the phone cause he could record you or have witnesses) and tell him that you confided in him because you really cared for him and he broke your trust. Then break up with him, even if he pleads. Because scum like that will keep doing those kinds of things and him doing that pretty much tells you that he doesn't care for you at all in the first place.

As for the rumors, deny deny deny! When they ask you, deny all of those rumors. Don't take it too serious. Don't get too mad. Don't show too much of any emotion because that's practically admitting guilty to the rumors. Lie that your boyfriend is mad because you broke up with him and that he's making all that stuff up to get back at you. If your parents find out and ask you too, say the same thing but cry a little and say that he really hurt your feelings with what he's doing so they'll show compassion. It's not like they can get any proof right? It's just a boy running his mouth to them. If they ask why you guys broke up, say he cheated on you or something with some girl from his town. You can even use that as a revenge plot if you'd like.