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I have a facebook, and my sister has a myspace, I want to tell on her becasuse she told on me. What to do? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I have a facebook, and my sister has a myspace, I want to tell on her becasuse she told on me. What to do? (/thread-39210.html)

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- Elaine H - 11-09-2012 10:30 PM

Obviously the mature thing to do is not to tell, but i have a brother myself and I can only imagine how fustrating this is for you. In all honesty, If I were in your shoes, I'd casually mention to your sis that I know about her mySpace account and see how she reacts. She obviously has no qualms about telling on you even though she was being a complete hypocrite so you might want to save your knowledge incase she ever gets something really bad on you.

On the other hand, while tbh don't see anything wrong with myspace if you're responsible (except the site looks tacky but oh well) you may want to keep an eye on her myspace if you decide not to tell your parents. Then you can see if she's obviously being careless with private information and family photos etc then it's definitely time to tell mum - for her own good.

- bananas - 11-09-2012 10:30 PM

You should both go to your parents and explain that having a Facebook or a MySpace isn't the end of the world. Nothing comparedto being on Y!A in fact.There are some graphic questions and answers on here that you maybe shouldn't be reading if your not allowed a Facebook!

- socialbttrfly65 - 11-09-2012 10:30 PM

It's called blackmail , don't tell your parents but use her secret against her . From now on , when she tries to give you crap , threaten to tell , If you need something done and want her to do it , threaten her again , if she says she is gonna tell on you for something else , threaten to tell , just keep using it , eventually she will cave in to the parents or you won't have many chores to do ! If she does rat you out for anything else , then you have to lower yourself to her standards and tell .

- mjeedan - 11-09-2012 10:30 PM

first off explain facebook to your parints that its private and all and no one can see your profile exept if you add them if you didnt set it on private you can do that from the settings secound just talk with your sister resolve all your problems if you and your sister are on one side is better then fighting all the time you may end up beeing good friends