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Michael Moore wants Obama to return the Nobel Peace Price. Do you agree? Why or why not? - Printable Version

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- Holy Brother Gary - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

Giving Obama the Peace Prize was a silly waste of time. Having him return it would also be a silly waste of time. Michael Moore is a silly waste of cheeseburgers.

- Q - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

Since he started a war, yes! Absolutely!

- Your mom - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

I think one of the main reasons they gave him the prize was his efforts to reduce nuclear stockpiles (which Republicans, in all their brilliant ways, vehemently opposed; it's not enough to have just hundreds of nuclear warheads, we need thousands!). I believe Obama succeeded in this, despite all Republican antagonism.

So, no, I don't think he needs to "give the prize back."

- NFangora - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

What has he done? Here's a few examples:

-Significantly expanded Pell grants, which help low-income students pay for college.
-Established Credit Card Bill of Rights, preventing credit card companies from imposing arbitrary rate increases on customers
-Extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees
-Provided $12.2 Billion in new funding for Individuals With Disabilities Act
-Signed financial reform law requiring lenders to verify applicants' credit history, income, and employment status
- Cut prescription drug cost for Medicare recipients by 50%
-Appointed nation's first Chief Technology Officer
-Health Care Reform Bill, preventing insurance companies from denying insurance because of a pre-existing condition
-Launched to track spending from the Recovery Act, providing transparency and allowing the public to report fraud, waste, or abuse
-Provided the Department of Veterans Affairs with more than $1.4 billion to improve services to America's Veterans

What have you been doing?

- Pestysleet136 - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

I'm of two minds on this. Obama should never have received the award to start with, and so it's fitting that there are calls for him to return it. then again, the award to Obama confirmed for all time what a joke the award is, and so Obama is indeed a fitting recipient of this anti-American booby prize.

- Andy F - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

I'm a leftist who mostly agrees with Michael Moore, but I disagree on this one.
Instead of returning the Peace Prize, why doesn't Obama earn it?

If that's possible for any US president, of course.

It looks to me as if every American president needs to start "little wars" with at least 2 Third World countries to count as "patriotic" with the raw-meat Republicans in Washington. Besides, it's usually good for American business.

Especially Democratic presidents need to do this, to show they're "macho" enough to counter GOP accusations of being soft on communism, etc.

Kennedy -- launched or supported attacks on Vietnam, Cuba, Laos.

Johnson -- escalated war Vietnam, invaded Dominican Republic to stop revolution in 1965.

Carter -- quietly launched US support for Islamist radicals in Afghanistan, ordered failed military action in Iran to rescue US hostages

Clinton -- continued Bush adventure in Somalia, before "Blackhawk Down" disaster
bombed Yugoslavia over Kosovo independence
bombed Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan in 1998
hundreds of US bombing runs over Iraq, accused by some observers of having
indirectly caused deaths of 500,000 Iraq children, due to US destruction of
Iraqi medical infrastructure
committed US to "regime change" in Iraq
committed US troops to "Plan Columbia" as part of drug war
Used US Marines to reinstall Aristide in Haiti

Obama - has escalated US war in Afghanistan
has initiated and/or escalated unmanned bombing runs in NW Pakistan
has launched US / UN assault against Libya
seems to have committed US to "regime change" in Libya

- Doctor Insanity - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

I disagree that the president was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize and that he should return the Peace Prize but how ever I think Moore has something more sinister up his sleeve that I fear for the president's safety. I just don't trust Michael Moore one bit

- rightwingmetalhead - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

eff 'em both. and eff the peace prize. it's just a way to acknowledge someone who despises America and freedom. look at the recent winners....Carter, IPCC, the UN/Kofi Annan, Arafat, f**king Al Gore!!! need i say more. we have the prize awarded to people who supported hoaxes (global warming) or who won it by virtue of existing (obama).

- WinonaGal - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

I, too, finally agree with Michael Moore on something. How surprising.
I took this as a joke when Obama was awarded it, before he proved he was worthy of it in any way.

- Shriekingclover995 - 10-12-2012 06:13 PM
