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Why do you think there is so much crime in America? - Printable Version

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- Kittenfan! - 10-13-2012 02:42 AM

There is a sociologist called Robert Merton that believes that the reason there is so much crime in America is because of the 'American Dream.' He basically says that the 'white picket fence' 2 point 4 children family which is constantly seen as being the aim for all people in America is what leads to crime as everyone strives to achieve it... However, not everyone has the means to achieve it so there are a number of paths you can take..

1. Accept the goals and work to achieve them
2. Accept the goals but know you will never achieve them.
3. Reject the Goals and remain stagnant
4. Accept the Goals and do anything to get there (Crime!)
5. Reject the Goals and the means to get them (Crime!)

His theory is fascinating and well worth a look...

- S & S - 10-13-2012 02:42 AM

I think the main reason we have some much crime is OPPORTUNITY! Look at the poeple commiting the crimes (the highest precentage of arrests happen to low income people) The reason they commit crimes is because they have no opportunities to get good jobs, go to college they are forced to go to the illegal ways of obtaining what they need, stealing, drug dealing, etc.
We need to stop spending money on the war and start spending money on education in the poverty areas of inner citys. With out the means to obtain a good life style you must turn to other means of making a living or you just get angry about being stuck in this situation and this leads to violence. We need EQUAL OPPORTUNITYS for everyone, if you live in a rich neighborhood you have nice schools if you are born in a poor neighborhood you have crappy schools (b/c education funding is based on property taxes). Our country was founded on the idea that everyone can pull themselves up by their boot strapes and in some cases this is not possible....If you are not given the opportunity to succeed you must feed your family some how.

It sucks....What can you do to help change the system?

- Give Blood - 10-13-2012 02:42 AM

Most of you are missing the major reason . When a person cannot support his family because he has a minimum wage job he gets the support some way usually by committing crimes. It has been proved many times over that when there is full employment the crime rate goes way down.

Minimum wage jobs are no answer.