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What is Facebook’s stance regarding information shared via third-party applications developed for the...? - Printable Version

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What is Facebook’s stance regarding information shared via third-party applications developed for the...? - Stacy - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

1. What is Facebook’s stance regarding information shared via third-party applications developed for the Facebook platform?

2. Did you find the privacy policy to be clear and reasonable? What would you change, if anything?

- john - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

Facebook doesn't respect anyones privacy. Honestly, I wouldn't post anything on Facebook that you don't want the whole world to see if I were you (I don't use Facebook). Their privacy policy is a joke and insult to anyone who values their privacy. I would change the privacy policy so that Mark Fuckerberg and his team of Jews can't sell your photos and information to advertisers and anyone else who wants access to it (including law enforcement). Doesn't matter whether it's info shared from third-party applications or directly uploaded to your "private" account where only your "friends" can view it.