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Why do I hate Christmas so much? - Printable Version

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Why do I hate Christmas so much? - Yahoo answer! - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

I understand I shouldn't complain, and I don't until I see how happy others are. Point is, I get extremely jealous. Although I'm not a jealous person, I can't help myself.

I spent my Christmas at home. My dad never came, my mom was working came home & slept so she can work in the morning, I have no brothers or sisters, I didn't get any presents, we didn't make food, and I don't know what is wrong with me.

I see everyone getting a new iPhone, new cars, POSTING UP PICTURES WITH THEIR FAMILY on social media, stating how happy they are, images of all these amazing dishes their families have cooked, their family hanging out together. I swear, I want them to shut up!

I get it. I'm jealous, but why? I shouldn't be. All I want is my family, which is basically my mom, dad, I to spend one night, ONE NIGHT! together opening presents, eating a nice dish, and just being a family!

I tried making a dish last year for my family. I literally spend all my money on food. One thing to note is that I live in a really ghetto city, we are very, very, low income, & we spend the Christmas money on rent. Anyways, I cooked, expecting to have a family dinner. Again, my dad didn't come home & my mom was too tired.

My mom and dad never been on good terms, let's just say that, but he is nice enough to visit me maybe once a week? For about ten minutes or so.

It's not hard being in this situation because I lived throughout my entire life; it's hard seeing others, my peers, so happy! It burns me inside to know they are this happy!

Well, enough of this, I'm off to help out at a homeless shelter. Helping others makes me happy! Just one day I wish I could have a family.

God Bless you all & Merry Christmas!

- Hannah - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

Don't feel bad for being jealous, I would be, too.

The best way might be to just laugh at the whole situation while watching a nice Christmas movie. Call them and wish them a Merry Christmas. You can go to Harris Teeter and get some inexpensive chicken and just enjoy a nice meal.

- FriendlyKiller807 - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

I can definitely understand why you'd feel that way.

- Marine - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

Just want to say that I too know the pain you feel. I grew up homeless living in a van with my brothers from ages 10-17 and I hated the holidays because i knew I wasn't getting the tree or the dinner or presents. One year when I was 13 a mentor gave me $50 because deep down he felt sorry for me. Now that I'm an adult i had to change my way of thinking, I had to set the example every day for my family that we are not poor minded mentality anymore, yes we had it bad in the past but we DONT have to live that way forever. I bought my own home at 19 years old and I invited my mom and family over ever night for dinner and for 6 years no one came over but I didn't stop inviting and I didn't stop cooking and yeah I was upset and mad and angry and jealous but I had to put that all aside and remember that one day they were going to be there, I had to have faith, and sometime it's hard to have faith and believe in something you can't see, but I had to. Believe that one day things will change!

- Einst38 - 02-19-2014 01:04 PM

Thats a bummer, especially if they are so busy they are working all the time. When I was young we didn't have much money at all, we could have never bought iphones or anything like that, my Christmas gifts were things like a new tshirt for school or a duffel bag, but that didn't matter to me and those were simple things I needed. My dad always went out of the way to spend Christmas with me and cook some food, watch sports on TV, or maybe just drive around and look at Christmas lights. Those were all things that didn't cost much but to me thats what Christmas was all about.

It sounds like your parents probably dont want to be around because they fight with each other. Dont worry about it, just learn from it so some day you will grow up and know thats not how you want to spend your Christmas seasons with your kids.

- Lilly - 02-19-2014 01:12 PM

I know exactly how you feel! All my friends have moved away and all went out last night and uploaded fun pictures with all their friends whilst I was stuck at home doing bugger all riddled with jealousy! Today hasn't been much better I didn't get to see any of my family and we are so poor we didn't do presents this year either but oh well could be worse.

- Bob - 02-19-2014 01:21 PM

Who cares?

I haven't celebrated Christmas since I was 12 years old and I'm doing fine.

- acrt_7 - 02-19-2014 01:22 PM

You're parents suck.

- ashley - 02-19-2014 01:29 PM

I was in your situation for years as a teenager and you sound like you have a great head on your shoulders, spending your Christmas helping others. Merry Christmas to you.

It will get better when you move out and are able to have your own place where you can celebrate Christmas however you want. That's when it started to get better for me. Growing up, I had a tree maybe two or three times out of 17 years and we had presents maybe a handful of years tops, and my dad was a mean alcoholic so almost every holiday was ruined. I felt like you do a lot of the time as a teenager, because all of my friends would post pictures of their presents and their dinners and their families and I'd be in my room alone and sad, but you're already on the right path by spending your Christmas doing something good - helping out. That's what Christmas is all about.

You definitely have a right to be jealous, anyone naturally would, but don't let it consume you. It's one day out of the year and you're already a stronger person than those who don't know the struggles of a hard family life and wake up to $1000s of dollars of gifts every Christmas. Someone used to tell me that as a teenager and I never believed them because I was always so sad around Christmas, but now that I'm an adult living on my own, I can see it. Having a hard life growing up really helps you when you're out on your own and when you live out on your own, you can have your Christmas in any way you want and your old home life won't affect it. Smile

Merry Christmas to you again.