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why american keep using same propaganda to justify their heavy handed tactic? - Printable Version

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why american keep using same propaganda to justify their heavy handed tactic? - eiji - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

usa perform strip search and cavity search on indian diplomat without court trial - to keep her safe.

usa nypd slammed 87 old years old man to grounds because of jaywalking.
there are many cases of accident of jaywalking - keep him safe.

usa spy on the citizen - keep them safe.

usa sent a blimp to the air and put all citizen on surveillance for 24 hours
it keep people safe from any incoming cruise missile.

nsa is collecting all information from social media, telephone,, -to keep you safe.

- hugeguide030 - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

Live in the US, live by US laws. If not, get out.

- xpatinasia - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM

She broke the law.

- Dirk Diggler - 02-19-2014 01:00 PM

Otherwise your just making it up

- Wrenched - 02-19-2014 01:07 PM

The Obama State: the illusion of freedom but the reality of :
• Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.
• Information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.
• A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.
• Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.
• Citizens have a fear of the outside world.
• Citizens live in a dehumanized state.
• The natural world is banished and distrusted.
• Citizens conform to uniform expectations. Individuality and dissent are bad.
• The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world.

- herbie7754 - 02-19-2014 01:16 PM

You want to cause the NSA a real headache ?
Replace the following with the chosen words words in all texting.

, (comma) .... write "bomb" instead
. (full stop) .... use "Al Qaeda" instead
/ (slash) .... use "explosive" instead
- (hyphen) .... use "terror" instead
" (inverted comma) .... use "kill" instead
? (question mark) .... use "target" instead

etc etc.

Because the NSA computer programs search out particular words, and then concentrate all their efforts on these when they are found.
Doing what I say will overload their programs, rendering them useless !

If everyone does this, the NSA will no choice but to stop their illegal surveillance on the world's communications.
Of course, Americans may not be as safe, but at least you will be free again.