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How is the social media affecting the world today? - Printable Version

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How is the social media affecting the world today? - Ungratefulcoil524 - 10-14-2012 04:22 PM

- Actor - 10-14-2012 04:30 PM

a serious time filler. things to think about and generally put your thoughts into. communications like never before (unless you believe in telepathy ...) and probably, the increased need for parents and social authorities to keep a watch over young people.

if i had one of these when we were younger, idk what id have gotten into. censorship has constructive purposes, you know.

- bartiee - 10-14-2012 04:30 PM

People that subscribe to a youtube channel: you will likley never meet. The hundreds or thousands of friends on a facebook friends list is... well think about that. Twitter, everyone knows what you like in your coffee.. so what. We are made to be in a community and interact face to face. Things like facebook, twitter and youtube only give people a false sense of community. Without contact face to face, other psychological/emotional problems creep into that void. "Watch out for the quiet guy" can now apply in the same way to someone with 1500 facebook friends he talks to but has never really met in real life, but thinks he has. For starters, putting aside security issues, I think that is a way social media affecting the world today.