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HELP! Am I overreacting? - Printable Version

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HELP! Am I overreacting? - Samantha - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

Long story short, my best friend and I are joining a soccer league on Sundays that my ex boyfriend told us about.
My ex and I are usually close and friends, but we got into an argument, and we haven't talked since January 25,

My best friend has the guy who is in charge of it's phone number, so he would obviously be the best person to ask

But my friend insists that she asks my ex boyfriend the questions (she has a boyfriend, so it's nothing like that)… But I told her that asking the guy in charge would make more sense, so my friend told me she'd ask the man in charge.

I creeped onto my friend's Facebook (she left her Facebook password saved), and I saw that she messaged my ex instead.. Why would she lie to me and then message my ex?

But I kind of feel like if your best friend isn't talking to her ex right now (and you aren't even friends with your friend's ex boyfriend), then why should you be talking to the ex-boyfriend… especially if the answers could easily be answered by the guy who runs the league. )

or am I being too sensitive because my ex and I aren't talking right now? Or do I have a right to feel weird about my best friend talking to my ex more than I am? Especially since this is her 2nd time messaging him about it in 1 week…

I want to tell her to stop messaging my ex for questions, but I don't want to feel controlling….
glad you guys can see where I am coming from…. NOT

- Robin - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable talking to the guy in charge. Maybe she doesn't want him to think she's a flake for not knowing what's going on, but she doesn't care what your ex thinks.
Maybe she knows that you and your ex will be friends again soon, and she doesn't want to make things weird between her and him just because things are currently weird between him and you.
Also, it was wrong of you to invade her privacy. If you confront her about it, you're going to have some explaining to do.

- jimmaresa - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

Hi, Samantha,
The long and short of it is yes, you are over reacting and no, you can't tell your best friend to stop the questions to your ex. You can't make her do anything and trying will only fan the flames of dislike or even hate between you. He is X and not yours anymore. Let it go and find a better relationship you can trust. Reacting like this, especially in a medium anyone can read or even talk about, will only give you a bad rap.
I do wish you the very best.