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Why won't he answer my messages? - Pink Kitty 2 - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

I messaged my old crush 5 times and i decided to send him a 6th one and he has not replied. I feel something needs to be done. I haven't talked to him for 8 months or seen him there is no other way for me to contact him. I'm not sure if he remembers me. He has not replied or accepted my friend request it's just sitting there no matter how many times i resend it or send another message. The funny thing i can't get my mind around is he hasn't blocked me. I have sent him 6 messages in 5 weeks later I'll send him another one and there's nothing so that would be my 7th. I just don't know what to do I've moved on he is always in the back of my mind. I'v even kept myself busy. The thing that's annoying me is he hasn't blocked me but he went online to change his profile picture. Please don't say he is not interested because he hasn't blocked me and it's been months since i spoke to him. Any other advice on how i could contact him would be a great help to me. I want to tell him I've become more confident than I was before, do you think if I try sending him messages everyday would seem weird? Something's telling me he's ignoring me because he might be shy to talk to me, i'v even waited 7 weeks and had nothing Sad .. I mean he could at least reply 6 is enough unless I send them everyday? Any ideas? I just don't know I've had other crushes inbetween the 9 months but i just always want him. I also tried messaging one of his friends but his friend seen the message but never also replied. Do I try another friend? I'v even tried phoning the college but i messed up my words (long story)

- dan - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

What are you waiting for? A Cease and desist order from a court? Move on young lady. You're obsessing and you're going to miss the opportunity that's right around the corner. The one that doesn't include him.

- shOrtie - 02-19-2014 01:00 PM

Take a hint. Leave him alone before you turn into his stalker and get yourself in trouble with the police.

- Redhu R - 02-19-2014 01:04 PM

Pink, why don't you call him?
What if he changed his number or if the number is used other than him. (there are possibilities)
Call from other number and verify he is available on the number you text.
Texting him without replies is not a good idea. Don't text him for few months and later send a text such as " I gonna Die" or "Help me" etc., See if he replies you or not.

Or you can easily find a link between both. Either call his older friends or even through Facebook and seek help from them.

- The Big E - 02-19-2014 01:06 PM

Your post is rife with hypocrisies. So much so, it is, in truth, almost bordering on being somewhat pathetic to observe. Were you to approach it with a more proper perspective further steeped in what amounts to your better interests, you would approach it with the attitude "I do not wish to be where I know in advance I have no proof that I am actually wanted."

For example, for you to allege "I've moved on", while at the same time admitting "I think of him daily", is a lie you are telling yourself. Those of us who are older and wiser due to more experience at knowing the difference between having a crush and actually being in love; would see the result of your rationalizing as "the greatest lies that hurt us most are the ones we tell ourselves." This conclusion is further buttressed by your admission "I've had other crushes between the nine months.". Does that not indicate a propensity to crush easily, then, pick yet another target rather than actually moving on? After all, it is not his fault you possess such a propensity for crushing and his actual reaction to have been one of your crushing targets might very well be to have made you persona non grata in the living of his life. That makes more sense than you sliding into a status of stalker in waiting as a result of not being able to see the handwriting on the wall clear to your peers that he is simply not answering you because he does not wish to.

Accept all of that and it will free you to seek the companionship of one who would make such considerations unnecessary to begin with. You will never be able to control others till you first learn to control yourself as you are interacting with them. Lying to yourself will not get you to where you wish to be in your search for love. His silence to your entreaties is proof enough of that. This self inflicted emotional torment will not stop till you do. The reality of your situational dilemma is that he has moved on but you have not. After all, he is not doing this to you -- you are!

- Kumiko - 02-19-2014 01:14 PM
