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How can I get in contact with my biological mother? - Printable Version

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How can I get in contact with my biological mother? - Vic Rattlehead - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

I am 21 years old, searching for my biological mother. I know her full name, and that she is most likely living in my current town. I know she moved back to this town a couple years ago to take care of my [schizophrenic] older brother. I have spent unreasonable amounts of time searching the internet for any possible contact information, I have found no such information. Every people finding site is a scam, and my mother hasn't used her Facebook profile in over a year. Does anyone know of any possible way that I can find my mother in my town [without being scammed]? I thought about using Craigslist, but I have no idea in what category I would even post an ad for that. The personal category seems to only be about "getting laid". Any helpful advice is appreciated.

- Amy - 02-19-2014 12:53 PM

I think you could use your towns phone directory if you have it like the yellow pages

- Ramon C - 02-19-2014 12:59 PM

I dislike the term "biological mother." Sound like "real leather" to me. You are searching for you mother. Period. Any other females in your life can be step mother, adoptive mother, fake mother, wishful mother, etc. There is leather. Any other product needs further explanation. As to what you ask, detectives find people rather easily with the most basic of information. They have access to data bases most people do not have. Why not contact one? In fact, this person does not even have to be in your city or town. It is all electronic data bases research. It if free to call and see if anyone shall take your case and the costs involved. BE warned. Once you find her you have to adjust to her, her life, her personality and the reasons why she left. Good luck.