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I get no tinder matches.. what's wrong? - Printable Version

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I get no tinder matches.. what's wrong? - - - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

I'm using tinder and hot or not right now for fun, but I just don't get any likes. I'm by no means a super-model.. But I hear people talk about tinder all the time and even most unattractive people get a lot of matches. I've never had a single fucking match and I've been playing it for longer than a few weeks now... Confused Am I just very unnattractive or is this app worthless and not working?? I think I'd be at least a 5 and even if I wasn't I can't believe that 100 percent of all the people who see me swipe me to the left. I doubt if it's even statistically possible to be THAT unattractive.. Check out my picture and tell me what I did wrong: https:// www. facebook .com /photo.php?fbid=640286782679853&set=a.138605749514628.15910.100000956102350&type=1&theater
To see the pic, remove the three dots at the and and remove all spaces.

- Ann - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

Give it a try. If you are not getting many more responses, get a new profile.Good luck to you.

- Charlie - 02-19-2014 12:53 PM

It's not just about pure looks, it's also about the coolness factor (if you are a guy? I couldn't see the picture.)

You need to look cool. Dominant. Alpha. Popular. RICH. Appear rich even if you aren't.

I have a pic of me in a Lamborghini. I have another pic of me wrestling somebody and destroying them, I look ripped and the other guy is crying almost from pain as I arm bar him. I have another pic with cool looking friends.

and even tho the lambo isn't really mine, bcuz my pics make me look so cool I get tons of girls agreeing to dates to hang out at my house and we end up having sex usually.