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adding teachers on facebook? - Printable Version

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adding teachers on facebook? - Harry - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

i left school a year and a half ago now added to teachers because they had 20 mutal friends i found some other teaches and one mutal friend and that is one of the teachers i have added
should i add or not

- Ultima vyse - 02-19-2014 12:52 PM

If you've already finished and are no longer their student there is nothing wrong with it, especially if you had a good relationship with the teacher. Many teachers like to stay in touch with their students after they've graduated, to keep in touch and see what you're doing in life. It means a lot because part of what you do is a reflection of what they've chosen as their life profession.

- mchl_the_citizen - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

Use Linkedin instead. Then you have more control over who they know in a professional environment. Make sure you trust this 'mutual friend' and give you further links to former colleagues.

- Dakota - 02-19-2014 01:05 PM

depends if you like the teachers or not. if it was one like mine that sent me to the office because ( not to be raciest but true ) one little black boy said I cussed him out every other day when I had witnesses

- NeonRider - 02-19-2014 01:14 PM

I've added some of my teachers so its fine as long as you like them and they like you, theres no problem,

- Bill D - 02-19-2014 01:19 PM

You have to ask yourself one question, and it is an easy one:


You have left school now. It's like when a baby has its umbilical cord cut and is no longer reliant on the mother's placenta, or when a child is weaned off breast feeding, or when you stop getting an allowance and have to earn it with a paper round.

School gets you through the education part and (hopefully) has prepared you for life outside its comfortable womb. You now need to go out and get a job to make money in the adult world and, although it isn't easy to adapt to, you are no longer a student at a school.

If a teacher has a class of 20 students each day and teaches a different class each day, that's already 100 students.

Were you such a great student that the teacher going to remember you amongst all the others and really have any interest in continuing communications with you?

There is also the issue of "mutual friends". The reason that I have not befriended some of my old school friends on facebook is because amongst their friends are some ex class mates who I never liked back then and it is highly unlikely that I would ever want to find out if I like them now. I wouldn't want them to see my friends, what I post about, or anything about them. The same issue could happen if you befriend your teacher.

If there is a possibility that you may need a reference from that teacher, and the teacher is likely to leave that school in the near future, then I suggest that you take a note of his or her facebook page and you can always go back later and send a private message.

Remember also that the teacher is of a different generation and may not particularly enjoy reading potentially profane posts made to your wall by your friends. Would you be happy adding your mother and father as friends in Facebook?

Only you will know why you might want to have your teacher as a Facebook friend, but think carefully before doing so, because some people are insulted when you later remove them as "friends".